Page 223 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Invasive Tissue Parasites   203

                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  General Classification—Nematode
                                                                        MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC


                                                                                          Trichinella spiralis
                                                                     Specimen Required   Muscle biopsy; hard
                                                                                          to recover adults
                                                                                          or larvae from fecal
                   FIGURE 9-2  Trichinella cysts develop within human   Stage             Larvae in muscles;
                   muscle tissue                                                          adults in stool
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Shape  Worm-shaped
                                                                                            In adults, F 5 4.0 mm
                                                                                          3 150 μm; M 5 1.4–1.6
                                                                                          mm 3 40–60 μm
                                                                                          Migration through
                                                                                          walls of intestine,
                                                                                          circulation in blood
                                                                                          to muscle tissue
                                                                                            Calcified larvae are
                                                                     Other Features
                                                                                          graphic exam; stained
                                                                                          with hematoxylin and
                   FIGURE 9-3  Splinter hemorrhages under fingernails                     found by radio-
                   in trichinosis
                                                                     T. spiralis
                                                                                   Encysted larvae form
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Delmar/Cengage Learning

                                                                    near the orbital bones of the eyes, muscular pain, and
                                                                    tenderness, accompanied by generalized weakness
                   FIGURE 9-4  Clinical appearance of eyes, periorbital
                   swelling, muscle pain, diarrhea, and increased   (Figure 9-4).
                   eosinophil count
                                                                    Treatment and Prevention
                   period. Increased allergic responses to parasitic
                   infections and hemorrhages beneath the fingernails   For heavy and symptomatic infections, anti-parasite
                   may be evident (Figure 9-3). Other symptoms and   medication is recommended. Anti-parasite (anti-
                   signs may occur including headaches and edema     helminthic) medication is the first line of treatment
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