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204    CHAPTER 9

                   against trichinosis. If the Trichinella parasite is discov-  in ancient times. References to such cysts in animals
                   ered early, in the intestinal phase, albendazole (Albenza)   that were slaughtered in religious rituals are found in
                   or mebendazole is usually effective in eliminating the   the Babylonian Talmud. Approximately 400 years
                   intestinal worms and larvae before considerable damage   before the birth of Christ, Hippocrates mentioned
                   to skeletal muscles occurs.                      these phenomena in animals butchered for food, and
                       The adult trichina also lives in the intestinal   subsequently by several other investigators over the next
                   lining of many meat-eating animals as wild swine,   several centuries. Other ancient medical practitioners
                   bears, walruses, horses, rodents, and a number of other   have also made references to cystlike structures in food
                   animal species including humans. The best defense   animals.
                   against contracting trichinosis is accomplished through   Descriptions of hydatid cysts in humans are found
                   proper food preparation. Humans should avoid     in European medical texts, where references are made
                   undercooked meat by ensuring that the meat is cooked   of structures described as enlarged glands or bags of
                   to an internal temperature of 170°F (77°C) before   mucus, accompanied by blood vessels with abnormal
                   eating it. A food thermometer is preferable to ensure   growth patterns, lymphatic varices (dilated veins), and
                   that meat is thoroughly cooked. Other methods exist   accumulations of body fluids. A number of observant
                   for ensuring meat is safe by storing the meat for at least   scientists appeared to associate these cysts as products
                   3 weeks or by the process of irradiation. Irradiation will   of parasites, and more specifically as damage caused
                                                                    by larval tapeworms. Although not credited with the
                   kill parasites in wild-animal meat, and deep-freezing
                                                                    theory that E. granulosus was responsible for the
                   for 3 weeks kills Trichinella in some meats; however,
                                                                    formation of hydatid cysts, Francisco Redi in the 1600s
                   Trichinella organisms in bear meat do not ordinarily
                                                                    proposed this initial framework for the formation of
                   die by freezing. Neither irradiation nor freezing is
                                                                    the cysts.
                   necessary if you ensure that the meat is thoroughly
                   cooked. Smoking or pickling of meat will not always   The German clinician and natural historian Pierre
                                                                    Simon Pallas showed a parasitic link to the cysts in
                   kill Trichinella in infected meat.
                                                                    1766 (Cox, 2002). Carl von Siebold demonstrated in
                                                                    1853 that Echinococcus cysts from infected sheep were
                   ECHINOCOCCOSIS                                   the origin of adult tapeworms when raw meat was fed to
                                                                    dogs (Cox, 2002). A demonstration by Bernhard Nau-
                   The causative organism for echinococcosis is the
                                                                    nyn in 1863 definitively proved that adult tapeworms
                   Echinococcus granulosus tapeworm. This is one of
                                                                    developed in dogs fed with hydatid cysts (Figure 9-5),
                   the most serious of human diseases that is caused by   which were obtained from a human (Cox, 2002). The
                   a larval cestode. This condition may also be known as   history of hydatid disease and the transmission of
                   hydatid disease, and frequently results from accidental
                   infection with the larval stages found in the canid species
                   (originating from a dog ancestor) tapeworm called
                   Echinococcus granulosus. The disease most often occurs
                   in adult dogs and as a larval cyst(s) particularly in sheep
                   but also in other species of both wild and domesticated
                   animals. The potential for echinococcosis to become
                   more prevalent in the United States certainly exists.
                   The canid species, includes carnivores such as wolves                                         Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   and coyotes, which hunt and eat both domesticated and
                   wild animals, and could potentially aid in the spread of
                   the organisms from sheep-raising country in the western
                   United States and into other areas of the country where
                   cattle are raised.
                       The massive bladder-like hydatid cysts,      FIGURE 9-5  Membrane and hydatid daughter cysts
                   particularly those found in the liver, were well known   from human lung
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