Page 220 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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200    CHAPTER 9

                   INTRODUCTION                                     given rise to the Mosaic and Islamic traditions of avoid-
                                                                    ing pork. Eating pork is a practice that has also been at-
                   Three major parasitic infections invade the major tis-  tributed to tapeworm infection (see following sections
                   sues and organs of the human body. One infection   of this chapter). Five species of Trichinella, a nematode
                   is trichinosis, caused by the roundworm Trichinella   characterized by its invasive larval stages, exist, includ-
                    spiralis, which was discussed in Chapter Five of this   ing T. spiralis, T. native, T. nelsoni, T. britoui, and
                   book. The other two major species, Echinococcus gran-  T. pseudospiralis. Of these five species, T. spiralis is
                   ulosus and  Echinococcus multilocularis, are organisms   most important as a parasite of humans as it does not
                   that cause a major disease called echinococcosis. Both   have specific hosts that it infects, and the disease is dis-
                   similarities and differences exist between the trichinella   tributed throughout the world.
                   organism and those of the genus Echinococcus. Both   The association between trichina infections and
                   E.  granulosus and E. multilocularis cause a serious dis-  pigs has been long recognized but the encysted larvae
                   ease where  hydatiform cysts form, whereas T. spiralis   in the muscle were not seen until 1821. Even after the
                   causes single cyst forms in muscles, and is a self-limiting   cysts in the infected muscle were observed, the condi-
                   condition. E. granulosus and E. multilocularis are ces-  tion was not associated with disease in humans. The
                   todal organisms, but unlike the cestodal  diseases dis-  discovery of the worm in humans was made in 1835
                   cussed earlier, these species are found only as  organisms   by James Paget, who was then a medical student at
                   with only a few  proglottids. The entire echinococcal   St.  Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. Sir James Paget
                   organism may consist of only three segments, whereas   was later knighted for his accomplishments in this and
                   other cestode species may grow to perhaps several meters.   other areas of medicine. Another important medical
                       One major difference that exists between the  diseases   finding attributed to this observant physician is the bone
                   of trichinosis and echinococcosis relates to the differing   disease osteitis  deformans, or softening of the bones,
                   genera of the two, where the organism causing trichinosis,   which is a condition called Paget’s disease. The defini-
                   T. spiralis, is a roundworm, and the other two echinococ-  tive report of trichinellosis was written by Richard Owen
                   cal organisms are classified as cestodes. Echinococcal   who attempted to minimize Paget’s role, although he
                   infections begin initially as a tapeworm in the digestive sys-  failed to associate that the wormlike organism embedded
                   tem, and cysts may form in vital  organs as a result of this   in  human muscle was the larval stage of a nematode.
                   primary infection. Therefore, for these reasons this disease   Religious proscriptions relating to eating pork by
                   is also treated as a tissue- invasive disease and is discussed   Muslims and Jews perhaps stem from basic knowledge of
                   along with trichinosis. The two genera of these parasites   cestodal infections and well as Trichinella spiralis. Certain
                   are similar in that they may be contracted through eating   ritualistic practices in food preparation in some religions
                   infected or poorly cooked meat. Another difference is that   and cultures almost certainly relate to avoiding the eating
                   T. spiralis is found in pork primarily, although other meats   of meat contaminated by microorganisms. Many centu-
                   have been implicated, and E. granulosus and E. multilocu-  ries ago the Jewish rabbis were known to inspect meat
                   laris may be found in a variety of meats.        and other foods before they were pronounced edible, as
                                                                      evidenced by writings of that era. It could reasonably be
                                                                    concluded that some of these practices led eventually to
                   TRICHINOSIS, AN INFECTION                        the establishment of governmental offices responsible for
                   OF TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS                          ensuring food safety.

                   Trichinosis is also known as trichinellosis or as a trichina   Morphology
                   infection and is caused by the intestinal nematode worm
                   Trichinella spiralis. This organism requires two hosts   The adult worms were discovered by Rudolf Virchow in
                   in its life cycle. The female worms produce larvae that   1859 and Friedrich Zenker in 1860. Zenker finally rec-
                   encyst in muscle upon which the new host becomes   ognized the clinical significance of the infection and con-
                   infected when the encysted muscle is eaten. Because   cluded that humans became infected by eating raw pork.
                   human infections are usually acquired by eating pork   The importance of these studies lies not only in the field
                   containing the encysted larvae, this might have initially   of human parasitology but also in the more general field of
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