Page 217 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 217

Intestinal Trematodes   197

                   Laboratory Diagnosis                             Treatment and Prevention
                   Proposed serological methods of diagnosis are limited   Praziquantel is an effective drug for treating the three spe-
                   due to numerous instances of cross-reactions with infec-  cies causing schistosomiasis, but oxamniquine is an eco-
                   tions by other helminthes. When travel history suggests   nomic drug for treating infections by S. mansoni only.
                   visits to an endemic area and symptoms are present, the   Control of snail species that are capable of transmitting the
                   likelihood of schistosomiasis is probable. The recovery of   organisms for schistosomiasis and the practice of good san-
                   eggs from feces and urine will enable diagnosis of the ap-  itation practices prevent infections effectively. Avoiding ex-
                   propriate species based on the characteristics of the three   posure to bodies of water in endemic areas are perhaps the
                   species’ eggs.                                   most efficient way to control the infection rates as well as
                       Differentiation is through differing morphology of   the application of a protective  barrier on the skin that poses
                   ova for the three species affecting humans.      a barrier to penetration by the schistosome cercariae.


                   The life cycles of the major trematodes, of which some   to immunological responses to eggs and to the embedded
                   are commonly known as flukes, are complex. The class of   larvae.
                   the phylum Nemathelminthes includes the parasites that   Liver and lung fluke diseases are the next group in
                   are commonly known as flatworms. Many of these are   the number of worldwide cases, following schistosomia-
                   parasitic, and either cylindrically shaped or shaped as a   sis. Paragonimus westermani is the lung fluke that causes
                   spindle. The most common genus found as the causative   paragonimiasis, where eggs are coughed up into the spu-
                   agent in nematodal infections is that of the schistosomes.   tum and swallowed to start the reproductive cycle in the
                   Similar stages of a typical fluke occur in the life cycle of   intestines. Clonorchis sinensis, also called the Chinese
                   all trematodes. These stages include: the adult, the ova, a   liver fluke, causes clonorchiasis. This fluke is also respon-
                   miracidium, a sporocyst, a redia, a cercaria, and finally a   sible for numerous cases of biliary disease, particularly
                   metacercaria.                                    in Asia. Opisthorchis spp., and in particular Opisthrochis
                       Cercarial dermatitis, also known by various names,   felineus and O. sinensis, are found in raw and partially
                   including swimmer’s itch, occurs upon penetration of   cooked fish. These organisms are also commonly found
                   the skin by the metacercaria. This order, Digenetica,   in cats and other mammals, humans included.
                   includes all four groups of flukes that are parasitic in   Many important discoveries about flukes were
                   humans. These four groups are blood flukes, intestinal   made during the period of the late 1800s to the early
                   flukes, liver flukes, and lung flukes, of which only a few   1900s. Observations from other parasitic flukes such as
                   organisms that are pathogenic to humans are included in   Fasciola hepatica in sheep and several others that infect
                   human parasitology, although some of these also infect   mammals other than humans have provided much of the
                   other mammals.                                   information regarding the life cycles. The life cycles of
                       Intermediate hosts most often include the copecod   these other flukes are essentially the same as those de-
                   and the snail, a gastropod. Archaeological evidence for   scribed for each of the Schistosoma spp. But in a few spe-
                   many of these organisms exists, providing evidence that   cies an additional intermediate host is present between
                   humans were infected thousands of years ago, particu-  the snail and the human in or upon which the cercariae
                   larly with those of the schistosomes. Schistosomes are   encyst. Humans may become infected when they eat the
                   also notorious for causing cancer of various organs due   infected second intermediate host.
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