Page 212 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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192    CHAPTER 8

                   poorly cooked crabs and crayfish and  become infected,
                   upon which the infective larvae from the crabs or crayfish   MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                   migrate from the duodenum to organs that include the             FEATURE
                   intestinal wall, lymph system, genitourinary tract, central
                   nervous system, and subcutaneous tissues of the body.
                   Sometimes the respiratory system is affected and when   General Classification—Paragonimus
                   the lungs become involved the victim develops a cough     westermani ova
                   with hemoptysis. Flecks of blood in the sputum are often   Organism    Paragonimus
                   the first sign of paragonimiasis.                                      westermani
                                                                     Specimen Required   Sputum specimens
                   Disease Transmission                                                   most commonly,
                                                                                          less often in stool
                   Infection occurs when encysted metacercariae are                       specimens
                   eaten, along with raw or undercooked crustaceans such   Stage          Eggs when coughed
                   as crabs and crayfish. The disease may progress to the                 up and swallowed
                   lungs where pulmonary and extra-pulmonary infections   Size              Range from 80–118 3
                   become established.                                                    48–60 μm (average
                                                                                          100 3 50 μm)
                   Laboratory Diagnosis                              Shape                Eggs are broadly oval
                                                                     Shell                Shell of egg is thin
                   Laboratory diagnosis is frequently based on the finding of             but thickens
                   eggs in either feces or sputum. The eggs measure roughly               toward the flattened
                   100 by 50 μm, and are unembryonated when passed                          operculum (lid)
                    (Figure 8-6). Flecks of blood may appear in the sputum   Other Features     Must be differ-
                   during infections with P. westermani whose eggs are easily             entiated from
                                                                                          Wet mount from
                                                                                            sputum may reveal
                                                                                          eggs in some patients
                                                                           P. westermanni

                                                                 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  confused with the eggs of the tapeworm Diphyllobothrium  Delmar/Cengage Learning

                                                                    latum, as both are operculated and are essentially the

                                                                    is brownish in color. Serological immunoassays for serum
                                                                    antibodies against the organism are available and pleural
                                                                    effusions are also used to detect the presence of the organ-
                   FIGURE 8-6  Unstained, formalin-preserved stool   same size. When seen, the adult worm is 10 by 8 mm and
                   specimen egg of Paragonimus westermani trematode  ism in both pulmonary and extra-pulmonary infections.
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