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190    CHAPTER 8

                   Geographic location and clinical data assist in differenti-  duodenum and migrate into the bile duct and gallblad-
                   ation between the eggs of C. sinensis and O. felineus. The   der where they attach and develop into adults, which are
                   eggs are operculated and possess prominent opercular   capable of laying eggs after 3 to 4 weeks.
                   ‘shoulders’ and abopercular (opposite the operculum)
                   knobs. The eggs are  distinctly embryonated when passed   Disease Transmission
                   in feces.
                                                                    It is estimated that up to 1.5 million people in Russia
                   Symptoms                                         are infected with the Siberian liver fluke. Inhabitants of
                                                                     Siberia and perhaps other regions of the world acquire
                   Opisthorchiasis, the disease caused by Opisthorchis   the infection by consuming raw or slightly salted and
                   felineus, is quite variable in severity, ranging from    frozen fish.
                    asymptomatic infection to severe illness. Human cases
                   of opisthorchiasis may affect the liver, pancreas, and   Laboratory Diagnosis
                    gallbladder and, if not treated, cirrhosis of the liver may
                   result. Cirrhosis from this infection leads to an increased   Diagnosis is based on microscopic identification of eggs
                   statistical prevalence of liver cancer even years later.   in stool specimens. However, the eggs of Opisthorchis are
                   Approximately 2 weeks after flukes enter the body of the   practically indistinguishable from those of Clonorchis,
                   host, the parasites infect the biliary tract and produce   and differentiation is based on geography and clinical
                   symptoms of infection that include fever, general malaise,   data such as the involvement of the biliary system.  Using
                   skin rash, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Severe anemia   the oil immersion objective providing a microscopic
                   and liver damage may  severely incapacitate an individual   power of 1000×, structural features are somewhat easily
                   for up to 2 months.                              visualized in Opisthorchis.
                       Severity of the disease ranges from an asymptomatic
                   state to severe medical conditions. Early  detection and   Treatment and Prevention
                   treatment are of the essence in preventing unwarranted suf-
                   fering, and the resulting consequences of a long-standing   Treatment of opisthorchiasis is generally with a single
                   infection. Opisthorchiasis in humans may result in damage   dose of praziquantel, the basic drug used for this infec-
                   to the liver, the pancreas, and the  gallbladder. An increased   tion. Prevention, as in most parasitic infections, requires
                   risk exists in the development of liver cancer in chronic   good personal and food preparation sanitation, and the
                   cases, as well as cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment with a sin-  ingestion of only thoroughly cooked fish.
                   gle dose of an effective medication is most often sufficient,
                   but again, prevention is the best course of action.
                                                                    PARAGONIMUS WESTERMANI
                   Life Cycle                                       This fluke is known primarily as the lung fluke and may
                                                                    be parasitic to a number of mammals other than humans,
                   The adult flukes deposit fully developed eggs that are   including dogs, cats, pigs, mink, and perhaps others. A
                   passed in the feces. After ingestion by a snail of an ac-  diet of poorly cooked crabs or crayfish provide the basic
                   ceptable species as the first intermediate host, the eggs   way of contracting this disease, which is primarily found
                   release miracidia, which undergo several developmental   in parts of Asia. The history of these infections as dis-
                   stages in a snail’s body, developing from sporocysts, to   eases begins with the discovery of the worms and contin-
                   rediae, and then to cercariae. The cercariae are then re-  ues with the elaboration of the life cycles. P. westermani
                   leased from the snail upon which they penetrate the flesh   was discovered in the lungs of a human by B. S. Ringer in
                   of freshwater fish as the second intermediate host. There   1879, a finding that he subsequently shared with others.
                   they encyst as metacercariae in the muscles or  under the   Eggs in the sputum were recognized independently by
                   scales of the fish. Mammalian definitive hosts that in-  Manson and Erwin von Baelz in 1880. Manson also sug-
                   clude cats, dogs, and various other fish-eating mammals   gested that a snail might act as an intermediate host and
                   including humans become infected by ingesting raw or   a number of Japanese scientists reported on the whole
                   undercooked fish containing metacercariae. After inges-  life cycle in a species of snail, Semisulcospira, between
                   tion by the definitive host, the metacercariae excyst in the   1916 and 1922 (Cox, 2002).
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