Page 205 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 205

Intestinal Trematodes   185

                   organism that causes a disease known as heterophyiasis,
                   is found primarily in both the Near and Far East as well as   MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                   parts of Africa. M. yokogawai is found in Asia and Siberia       FEATURE
                   and is known as the causative agent for the disease meta-
                   gonimiasis. The two organisms are predominantly found
                   as cat and dog parasites, as well as other fish-eating mam-  General Classification—Heterophyid Eggs
                   mals, so  heterophyiasis and metagonimiasis are known as   Organism(s)  Heterophyes
                   zoonoses (animal related) when they infect humans. Birds                 heterophyes and
                   may also be reservoirs for these related organisms.                      Metagonimus

                   Morphology                                        Specimen Required  Feces
                                                                     Stage                Egg
                   The eggs of H. heterophyes and M. yokogawai are   Size                 30 3 90 μm
                    indistinguishable from each other. They are small flukes   Shape      Oval and contains a
                   known jointly as heterophyids (from the genus compris-                 formed miracidium
                   ing these two species) and are approximately 30 μm   Shell             Thin and smooth
                   by 15 μm. The eggshells of M. yokogawai appear to be                   (shell of M. yokogawai
                     thinner than those of H. heterophyes, although this can              thinner)
                   only be determined by close microscopic attention. The   Other Features     Eggs are operculated
                   mature flukes of both species are approximately 1 to                   and have shoulders
                   2 mm in length.                                                        near the operculum;
                                                                                          sometimes there is a
                                                                                          small boss (protuber-
                   Symptoms                                                               ance) opposite the
                   Individuals with light infections are generally asympto-  Ova
                   matic, whereas those with heavier infections with either   H. heterophyes   M. yokogawai
                   species may experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, and
                   eosinophilia. In severe cases, granulomas may develop.
                   A granuloma is a structure that forms during the process
                   of inflammation, when large numbers of macrophages
                   are drawn to an infected area, which then enclose the
                   area. Granulomas also occur in tuberculosis, leprosy, and
                   some fungal infections.

                   Life Cycle

                   The eggs of the species are ingested by a freshwater           C. sinensis
                   snail. The eggs contain a fully developed miracidium
                   and, upon ingestion, the miracidium is released from the
                   egg, upon which it penetrates the tissues of the snail and
                   develops into the cercarial stage. Mature cercariae are re-
                   leased into the fresh water, and find fish that become sec-
                   ond intermediate hosts when they are encysted. When
                   cercariae encyst into the flesh of the fish, they form merta-
                   cercariae. The definitive host then ingests the fish contain-
                   ing metacercariae, at which time they excyst and develop                                       Delmar/Cengage Learning
                   into adult worms in the small intestine. The adult worms
                   are then able to produce eggs to continue the life cycle.
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