Page 203 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Intestinal Trematodes   183

                   called metacercariae, which can infect a host who feeds   FASCIOLOPSIS BUSKI
                   on the animals or plants.
                                                                    The correct handling, concentrating, and preserving of
                                                                    specimens as well as the competence of the laboratory
                   Liver and Lung Fluke Diseases
                                                                    worker and the timeliness of the specimen collection is  vital
                   More than 80 other species of flukes other than   in the detection and subsequent accurate identification
                     Schistosoma are considered capable of infecting humans.   of parasites and their eggs. An example of easily identifi-
                   Humans may be infected either during the adult stage or   able eggs (ova) is that of the giant intestinal fluke Facio-
                   larval stage, but only the most common species that rou-  lopsis buski (Figure 8-1). Different life stages of a number
                   tinely impact human health are considered in this sec-  of parasites may require that several samples be collected
                   tion: Paragonimus westermani, the lung fluke that causes   and even pooled before steps toward identification of
                   paragonimiasis; Clonorchis sinensis, the liver fluke that   the  parasite begins. This is particularly true for some of
                   causes clonorchiasis; and Opisthorchis spp., which   the protozoan diseases where certain stages of infection
                   causes opisthorchiasis.                          are only visible during a critical period when collection
                       Virtually all the important discoveries and ad-  should be accomplished. This will be fully discussed dur-
                   vances regarding these parasites were made during the   ing the presentations regarding specific species. F. buski is
                   period from 1874 to 1918. Discoveries of these medi-  prevalent in Vietnam, Thailand, and all of Southeast Asia.
                   cally important parasite life cycles and other biological
                   data often occurred as a result of observations of other   Morphology
                   parasitic flukes such as Fasciola hepatica in sheep and
                                                                    F. buski is an organism known as the giant intestinal
                   several other agricultural or zoological flukes rather
                                                                    fluke. This species is the largest fluke known to inhabit
                   than medical interest in humans. The life cycles of these
                                                                    the  human body and lives in the small intestine of in-
                   other flukes are essentially the same as those described
                                                                    fected individuals. The adult fluke itself ranges from 2 to
                   for each of the Schistosoma spp. discussed previously.
                                                                    7 cm in length. The egg is broad, ellipsoid, and contains
                   However, there is an added complexity because some
                                                                    a small operculum, or lid, at the more pointed end of the
                   species require an additional intermediate or secondary
                                                                    egg, which has a transparent eggshell and is unembryo-
                   host during development. Whereas snails are secondary
                                                                    nated when passed. The egg measures 130 to 140 μm in
                   hosts, humans become infected both internally (diet) or
                                                                    length and 80 to 85 μm in width.
                   externally (skin penetration) when the cercariae encyst.
                   Humans become infected only when they ingest the in-
                   fected second intermediate host.                 Symptoms
                       These various discoveries were made by a large   Bowel obstruction may occur in heavy infections and
                   number of people and often in independent and special-   diarrhea and abdominal pain and cramping may be
                   ized reports that were initially shared with only a few
                     biologists who had an interest in the topic. No attempt is
                   made here by the author to list these individual achieve-
                   ments. The learner is encouraged to refer to a multitude
                   of resources provided by Internet sources. Significant
                   knowledge of the pathological effects of clonorchiasis
                   and opisthorchiasis has emerged slowly and over quite a
                   period of time. Few startling and interesting discoveries                                     Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   have occurred recently, except for finding an association
                   with bile duct cancer called cholangiocarcinoma when
                   clonorchiasis or opisthorchiasis infections are present.
                   The basic flukes that cause human disease are described
                   as follows, with the exception of the schistosomes, which
                   are of such importance as to deserve a separate section   FIGURE 8-1  Egg (ova) from the intestinal fluke
                   for the organisms causing schistosomiasis.       Fasciolopsis buski
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