Page 199 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 199

Intestinal Cestodes   179

                   species of Taenia. In the 1600s it became apparent   first descriptions of the disease. The first accurate
                   that there were two very different kinds of tapeworms   description of the proglottids was by another Swiss
                   (broad and taeniid) in humans. Diphyllobothrium   biologist, Charles Bonnet. By the mid-1700s, it was
                   was first recognized as being distinct from Taenia by   apparent that infections with D. latum occurred in
                   a Swiss physician, Felix Plater, who contributed the   humans whose diet was mainly fish.

                                              CASE STUDIES

                     1.  A tourist from the midwestern area of North America traveled to coastal Washington
                        State and in areas of western Canada. Taking advantage of the rich source of  marine
                        foods, the main dishes at both lunch and dinner consisted of some type of fish. Upon
                        returning home, the traveler suffered from vague digestive upset along with consid-
                        erable abdominal pain. His physician requested a stool examination, which was nega-
                        tive for pathological bacterial but contained large operculated eggs. What would be
                        the probable causative organism that was the origin of these eggs?
                     2.  An elderly Navaho Indian who raised sheep in northern Utah was forced to chase  coyotes
                        and wild dogs from the land where his sheep typically grazed. He had always been in
                        good health but for the past year he had recurring bouts of pain in the stomach. When
                        he visited his physician, palpation of the liver revealed hardening and rounding of the
                        lobes of the liver. In addition, he complained of increased bouts of coughing, with chest
                        pain and sometimes small flecks of blood in the sputum. Given his vocation as a sheep
                        herder, and the fact that he spent a great deal of time outdoors and prepared his food
                        in the wild, what would be a likely parasite from which the man is suffering?

                   STUDY QUESTIONS

                     1.  Name the two cestode groups that contribute most     8.  What animal is affected by the Echinococcus
                       often to infection of humans.                     granulosus organism, and how does it manifest itself?
                     2.  How do the eggs of the Taeniid species reach the     9.  Why do Jewish and Muslim religions have cer-
                       intermediate host?                               tain prohibitions on the eating of certain meats,
                     3.  Which of the tapeworms, T. saginata or T. solium,     particularly pork? Why must some of these foods
                                                                        be ritualistically prepared?
                       become the largest, and what are their approximate
                       lengths?                                     10.  In your own thinking, how did observations of meat
                     4.  Are both male and female organisms found in the   conditions lead to official offices responsible for
                                                                        food safety?
                                                                    11.  Dogs eating sheep meat led to the development of
                     5.  What is a valuable characteristic used in differenti-
                       ating the eggs of pseudophyllidean tapeworms and   hydatid cysts. Who determined this in 1853?
                       cyclophyllidean species?                     12.  What is the common name for Diphyllobothrium
                                                                        latum, and how is it normally contracted?
                     6.  With what animals are the cestodes called
                       T.  saginata and T. solium associated?
                     7.  How did Aristotle describe the appearance of the
                       cysticercus structure?
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