Page 195 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 195

Intestinal Cestodes   175

                       MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC                           MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC

                                   FEATURE                                          FEATURE

                    General Classification—Cestode (rat              General Classification—Cestode (rat
                    tapeworm)                                          tapeworm egg)

                    Organism             Hymenolepsis                Organism             Hymenolepsis
                                         diminuta                                         diminuta
                    Specimen Required   Stool specimen               Specimen Required  Feces
                    Stage                Eggs may be found;          Stage                Egg
                                         rarely scolex or            Size                   Eggs are differenti-
                                                                                          ated from H. nana by
                    Size                   The adult tapeworm                             size, and are gray- to
                                         may reach 20–60 cm                               straw-colored and
                    Shape                Segmented                                        50–75 μm
                    Motility             Not demonstrated            Shape                Eggs possess an inner
                                                                                          membrane but have
                    Other Features         Direct fecal-oral
                                         transmission                                     no polar filaments
                                         H. diminuta lacks the                            surrounding the
                                         hooks of the rostel-                               oncosphere as does
                                         lum that H. nana                                 H. nana
                                         exhibits                    Shell                Contains an
                                                                                            envelope-like center
                                                                                          with two thickenings
                                                                                          at opposite ends of
                    H. diminuta
                                                                                          the structure similar
                            Ovum                 Proglottids
                                                                                          to those of H. nana
                                                                     Other Features         Proglottids of
                                                                                          H. diminuta indistin-
                                                                 Delmar/Cengage Learning  of H. nana
                                                                                          guishable from those

                                                                    DIPYLIDIUM CANINUM

                                                                    The Dipylidium caninum species of tapeworm some-
                                                                    times infect humans as an accidental host when fleas are
                                                                    ingested, a route of infection found mostly in children.
                   Treatment and Prevention                         The organism is also called the cucumber tapeworm or
                                                                    the double-pore tapeworm as the adult proglottids have
                   Treatment for H. diminuta infections is usually the ad-  genital pores on both sides of the tapeworm. D. cani-
                   ministration of niclosamide, but praziquantel is also a   num is a cyclophyllid cestode, an important order that
                   drug of choice. Prevention entails cleaning areas of food   infects mammals afflicted with fleas, including dogs,
                   storage, rodent control, and sanitary practices in food   cats, and the owners of pets, especially children. Pro-
                   handling and personal hygiene. These practices, how-  glottids are pumpkin-shaped and can reach a length
                   ever, are greatly curtailed in low socioeconomic settings   of about 18 in. Eggs are found in characteristic “egg
                   and in poor countries.                           clusters” or “egg balls” of 15 to 25 eggs that are passed
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