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178    CHAPTER 7

                   is the major diagnostic procedure for D. caninum.   Treatment and Prevention
                     However, neither the scolex nor the proglottids are
                   found in many cases of the infection when examining   Although praziquantel has been found to be somewhat ef-
                   stool specimens. Therefore, finding eggs is the most fre-  fective, niclosamide is the drug of choice. Good veterinary
                   quent manner of diagnosis.                       care of cats and dogs by keeping the animals free of parasites
                       Larvae mature in the intestine but are not the chief   and fleas (ectoparasites) is essential. Control of other insects
                   stage in which D. caninum is identified. The egg  packets   such as beetles may aid greatly in the prevention of infec-
                   and gravid proglottids are the most diagnostic stages   tions by D. caninum. Personal hygiene is also paramount in
                   found in the laboratory.                         preventing hand-to-mouth ingestion of infected fleas.


                   Cestodiasis, a term used for tapeworm infections, may   bladderworms and when infected meat of the intermedi-
                     occur from infections with up to 40 species of adult   ate host is eaten, cysticerci are released and attach to the
                   worms and perhaps 15 larval forms. Humans are most   gut wall of the final host where they develop into adult
                   often incidental or accidental hosts, meaning that they   tapeworms.
                   are not definitive hosts. Disease from tapeworm infec-  Cestodes are hermaphroditic, with both male and
                   tions usually results from eating uncooked meat from de-  female reproductive systems in each segment. The pro-
                   finitive hosts infected with the various cestodes.   glottids nearest the scolex are immature, but the pro-
                       Cysticercosis is another term for an infection by   glottids near the caudal end are called gravid (pregnant)
                   cestodes, contracted mainly by the eating of contaminated   proglottids and contain many eggs.
                   meat and its by-products and wastes. After ingestion   Taenia tapeworms include two human species,
                   of the eggs, they hatch in the stomach of the host. The   Taenia saginata (beef) and T. solium (pork). These
                   resulting larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and circulate   two taeniid tapeworms were originally thought to be
                   throughout the body systems of the host, frequently   one species, until research proved otherwise. The
                   involving the brain. Neurocysticercosis, of which there   T. solium variety of the taeniid tapeworm is the cause of a
                   are four types, occurs in larval death, which results in a   major complication called cysticercosis. T. solium is both
                   strong immune response to inflammation. Sizes of lesions   an intestinal as well as a tissue-infective organism. The
                   vary from 1 cm up to 7 cm in diameter, and are viewed   cysticercus resembles a bladder, giving rise to the term
                   via radiological procedures such as magnetic resonance   bladderworms.
                   (MR) and computerized tomography (CT).               These cysticerci are known to encyst the heart,
                       Taeniid and diphyllobothriid tapeworms are   brain, or eye, and muscles. The adult stages of T. solium
                   among the most important cestodes implicated in human   and T. saginata rarely cause any overt signs or symp-
                   disease. The adult tapeworm has no digestive tract, and   toms. Another cyst-forming organism is Echinococcus
                   nutritive substances enter the tapeworm across the mem-  granulosus. E. granulosus may form cysts in the tissues
                   branes structure covering the segments and excretion of   of the central nervous system of dogs, causing seizures in
                   digestive wastes is accomplished through a specialized   the canine similar to those of the species of cestodes that
                   structure called a “flame cell.” The proglottids or seg-  may infect the human brain.
                   ments of the tapeworm, are attached to a scolex or head,   It is evident that most of the cestodal infections re-
                   on which mechanisms for attachment to the intestinal   late to eating various types of meats. Diphyllobothrium
                   wall are found. Mature proglottids contain numerous   latum is an organism called the fish tapeworm, which
                   eggs, which are passed into soil or water through defeca-  humans harbor as adult parasites in the intestine.  Human
                   tion. Eggs consumed by the intermediate host hatch in   eat infected fish, and the plerocercoid develops into an
                   the intestine, releasing larval stages, or oncospheres that   adult tapeworm in the gut, and the cycle is repeated.
                   burrow through the gut wall to reach various tissues of   Early descriptions of the tapeworm were
                   the host. Here they develop into encysted cysticerci or   unreliable due to confusion with the two common
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