Page 201 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 201



                                        Intestinal Trematodes

                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                   Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will be expected to:

                   ■    Outline the reproductive cycle of trematodes that primarily infect humans
                   ■    Describe the clinical impact of trematodes on a worldwide basis
                   ■    Discuss the relationship between flukes and their intermediate and definitive hosts
                   ■    Associate the three major flukes with the organs they infect

                   KEY TERMS

                   Asexual                         Hematuria                       Peritoneal
                   Bilharzia                       Intestinal fluke                Redia
                   Blood fluke                     Katayama disease                Rice paddy itch
                   Cercaria                        Liver fluke                     Schistosomes
                   Cestodes                        Lung fluke                      Schistosomiasis
                   Clonorchiasis                   Mesenteric                      Schistosomula
                   Crabs                           Metacercariae                   Semisulcospira
                   Crayfish                        Miracidia                       Siberian liver fluke
                   Dermatitis                      Mollusks                        Snails
                   Digenetic                       Nematode                        Sporocyst
                   Duckworms                       Opisthorchiasis                 Swimmer’s itch
                   Duodenum                        Palaeoparasitology              Trematodes
                   Feline                          Paragonimiasis
                   Flukes                          Pelvic

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