Page 197 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 197

Intestinal Cestodes   177

                   indigestion accompanied with stomach pain, most in-  egg balls and are eliminated in the host’s feces and are
                   fected persons are asymptomatic.                 then ingested by fleas. When the fleas are ingested acci-
                                                                    dentally by another mammal after the tapeworm larvae
                   Life Cycle                                       partially develop, the cysticercoid larvae that developed
                                                                    in the flea are swallowed. Humans, particularly children,
                   The definitive host is generally a cat or dog. Gravid pro-  become infected after accidentally ingesting the fleas
                   glottids are passed in the animal’s feces and the inter-  containing larvae. The larvae from the fleas then mature
                   mediate host, the dog or cat flea, ingests the eggs, which   to adulthood in the host.
                   continues the life cycle. Eggs may occur as clusters called
                                                                    Disease Transmission

                       MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC                       Transmission of the D. caninum cestode occurs predom-
                                                                    inantly as a result of hand-to-mouth ingestion of fleas
                                   FEATURE                          from infected domestic animals in which the developing
                                                                    cysticercoid larvae are found. Transmission of the infec-
                    General Classification—Cestode                  tion also results not only from fleas but from ingestion of
                      (cucumber or double-pore tapeworm)            beetles and other arthropods that may be in contact with
                                                                    domestic animals.
                    Organism             Diphylidium caninum
                    Specimen Required  Stool specimen
                                                                    Laboratory Diagnosis
                    Stage                Adult
                    Size                   Worm may reach a         Characteristic gravid proglottids and egg packets found
                                         length of up to            following disintegration of proglottids in human  feces
                                         10–50 cm
                    Shape                Segmented
                    Motility             Not demonstrated
                    Other Features         The larvae mature            MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                                         to adulthood in the                        FEATURE
                                         Scolex has 4 suckers
                                         as do most cestodes,        General Classification—Cestode egg
                                         and contains several
                                         rows of small hook-         Organism             Diphylidium caninum
                                         like spines on a cone-      Specimen Required  Feces
                                         shaped rostellum of
                                                                     Stage                Egg packet
                                         the scolex
                                                                     Size                   The eggs range
                              D. caninum
                                                                                          from 30–60 μm
                                                                     Shape                Almost completely
                                                                     Shell                Thin and colorless
                                                                     Other Features         Colorless eggs have
                                                                                          6-hooked oncosphere
                                                                 Delmar/Cengage Learning  present in each egg
                                                                                          and are enclosed in
                                                                                          a membrane-bound
                                                                                          packet of usually 5–20
                                                                                          eggs per packet
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