Page 204 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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184    CHAPTER 8

                   present. Local inflammation occurs when the worms
                   attach to the intestinal mucosa, and eosinophilia    MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                   is common as an allergic response to the invasion of this        FEATURE

                                                                     General Classification—Egg of Liver Fluke
                   Life Cycle
                                                                     Organism             Fasciolopsis buski
                   All trematodes have a similar lifestyle but differ as   Specimen Required  Feces
                   to the intermediate hosts utilized and the stage of   Stage            Ovum (egg) most
                   development reached by eggs as they are passed in                      commonly; indistin-
                   the feces. The  primary reservoir for the intestinal fluke             guishable from
                   is the pig. Dogs may also harbor the parasite, which                   F. hepatica
                   bolsters the position by some investigators that there   Size            130 μm × 60–90 μm
                   is a close correlation between human parasites and                     (average length
                   those found in domesticated animals. Following the                     slightly exceeds
                   passing of unembryonated eggs in the stool, micacidia                  F. hepatica)
                   develop in the water within approximately a month.   Shape             Ellipsoid
                   As is characteristic of flukes, the snail acts as the first   Shell    Transparent
                   intermediate host and is penetrated by the miracidia.   Other Features     Ovum  unembryonated
                   Cercariae are then produced from these miracidia                       when passed in
                   and are released from the snail where they encyst on                   feces
                   freshwater vegetation, a life form that is considered the
                                                                      F. buski
                   second intermediate host. Water chestnuts and bamboo
                   shoots are the primary second intermediate hosts, where                             Operculum
                   the cercariae develop into metacercariae. These forms
                   encyst in the vegetation and, after being ingested into the
                   intestinal tract, the metacercariae excyst (hatch from the
                   cyst). Further development, self-fertilization, occurs in
                   the intestine to the adult form. The eggs are evacuated in                                     Delmar/Cengage Learning
                   the feces, where they again go through development into
                   cercariae and infect snails. The life span of the worm is
                   somewhat short, existing for a period of approximately
                   6 months.

                   Disease Transmission                             Treatment and Prevention

                   Ingestion of uncooked or poorly cooked and encysted   Treatment with praziquantel or niclosamide is most
                   vegetation containing metacercariae provides transmis-  common for F. buski. Prevention entails proper human
                   sion for the organism. Animals that feed on raw vegeta-  waste disposal and control of snail populations. Eating
                   tion also may become infected.                   raw vegetation from watery areas is discouraged.

                   Laboratory Diagnosis                             HETEROPHYES HETEROPHYES

                   F. buski infection is diagnosed by examination of fecal   Heterophyes heterophyes and Metagonimus yokogawai are
                   samples for both ova and parasites. Eggs are quite char-  presented together as so many similarities exist between
                   acteristic and are often passed in the feces, but may be   the two parasites. The two parasites are easily confused
                   confused with the eggs of Fasciola hepatica, due to simi-  but a distinguishing factor is that they are found in differ-
                   larities in both size and shape.                 ent geographic locations of the world. H. heterophyes, an
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