Page 190 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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170    CHAPTER 7

                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                   FIGURE 7-11  Structural morphology of an adult   FIGURE 7-12  Structural details of a Taenia sp. ovum
                   cestode, Echinococcus granulosus

                                                                    The coracidium develops into a procercoid stage in
                   percentages of eosinophils may also occur, a condition   its micro-crustacean copepod, which serves as its
                   that is not in itself diagnostic of any particular parasite.   first  immediate host. Later development resulting in a
                   If the cysticerci migrate to the brain, however, headaches     plerocercoid larva occurs in its next intermediate host,
                   and seizures may result, and will possibly lead to a life-  which is a vertebrate. The plerocercoid larva develops
                   threatening medical condition.                   into an adult worm in the definitive or final host. The on-
                                                                    cosphere of cyclophyllidean tapeworms, depending on
                   Life Cycle                                       the species, develops into a cysticercus larva, cysticercoid
                                                                    larva, coenurus larva, or hydatid larva (cyst) in specific
                   Cestodes are hermaphroditic, with each proglottid pos-  intermediate hosts. These larvae, in turn, become adults
                   sessing both male and female reproductive systems   in the definitive host. Remember that the eggs of the two
                   similar to those found in flukes. Proglottids nearest the   Taenia spp. species of T. solium and T. saginata are not
                   scolex are immature but the proglottids near the caudal   possible to differentiate from each other, or from other
                   end are called gravid (pregnant) proglottids and may con-  members of the taeniid family, Taeniidae. The eggs mea-
                   tain numerous eggs in the uterus of each segment. How-  sure 30 to 35 μm in diameter and are radially striated.
                   ever, tapeworms also differ from flukes in the manner   The internal oncosphere reveals 6 hooks (Figure 7-12).
                   by which eggs are deposited. Eggs of pseudophyllidean
                   tapeworms exit through a uterine pore in the center of   Disease Transmission
                   the ventral surface rather than through a genital atrium,
                   a structure also found in flukes. In the cyclophyllidean   Human infection with either T. saginata or T. solium
                   tapeworm the female system includes a uterus without a   results from eating uncooked or poorly cooked beef or
                   uterine pore. Therefore, the cyclophyllidean eggs are re-  pork, in the order presented. The cysticercus larvae of
                   leased only when the tapeworms shed gravid proglottids   the parasite are contained in the meat. Cows and pigs
                   into the intestine. Some proglottids disintegrate and re-  as intermediate hosts eat contaminated food containing
                   lease eggs that are evacuated in the feces, whereas other   eggs, and become infected when the oncosphere hatches
                   proglottids are passed intact.                   from the egg and develops into a cysticercus larva in the
                       The eggs of pseudophyllidean tapeworms are oper-  tissues of the animal.
                   culated (lid or covering), but those of cyclophyllidean
                   species are not, so this is a valuable characteristic for   Laboratory Diagnosis
                   identifying eggs of cestodal species. All tapeworm eggs
                   contain at some stage of development an embryo or on-  The recovery of gravid proglottids and/or eggs from
                   cosphere. The oncosphere of pseudophyllidean tape-    human fecal specimens following the rupture of the pro-
                   worms is ciliated externally and is called a coracidium.   glottids is the most effective method of identification.
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