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Intestinal Cestodes   165

                   of T. solium in the flesh of pigs were known in ancient   new proglottids form in the neck region. The segments
                   history as “measly pork” and appeared to be well known     nearest the neck are immature and in this region the sex
                   to the ancient Greek physicians, but the condition was   organs not fully developed, whereas those closer to the
                   never described as a disease of humans.          posterior end are mature and are fully capable of repro-
                       Evidence exists from early history in the Bible of   duction. The terminal segments are gravid (pregnant)
                   the Jews regarding the dangers associated with eating   and the egg-filled uterus of each segment is the most
                   certain foods. Certain dietary restrictions abound in the   prominent feature.
                   Jewish faith as well as for the Muslims as two religious
                   groups that also observe similar proscriptions against
                   eating pork and who practice the ritualistic preparation   DIPHYLLOBOTHRIUM LATUM
                   of foods. Indirect evidence from different cultures indi-
                   cates that people were aware of the possible dangers in-  Humans may also harbor the adults of Diphyllobothrium
                   herent in eating the flesh of pigs because infections with   latum, the broad tapeworm that is also called the fish
                   cysticerci are rarely found in Jews and Muslims.  tapeworm, which lives in the intestine. Eggs are passed
                       By the nineteenth century, animal experiments dem-  in the feces and the first larval stage, the coracidium,
                   onstrated without a doubt that cysticercosis was caused by   develops within the egg and when eaten by a copepod
                   the ingestion of T. solium eggs. These observations led to   (a minute crustacean found in fresh water), it proceeds
                   public health measures, which had a significant impact on   to develop into the second larval stage called the
                   the control of tapeworm infections in humans by restricting   procercoid. When an infected copepod is eaten by a
                   the amount infected meat on the market for human con-  fish, the procercoid develops into the third larval stage,
                   sumption. Because meat was required to be inspected be-  the plerocercoid, and when a human eats an infected
                   fore sale as long as 200 years ago, those who ate meat from   fish, the plerocercoid develops into an adult tapeworm
                   the butcher shops may have been relatively safe. But many   in the gut (Figure 7-6). This particular tapeworm
                   poor farmers raised their own meat and almost certainly   was well known in ancient history and is mentioned,
                   fed their animals contaminated food, which their families   sometimes indirectly, in the major classical medical
                   ate and was a practice that propagated cysticercosis.  writings including the Ebers papyrus, the Corpus
                                                                    Hippocratorum, and the works of Celsus and Avicenna
                   Identification of Cestodes                       (Cox, 2002). However, there are no accurate early
                                                                    clinical records because there are few overt signs of the
                   Anatomically, cestodes are divided into three parts.
                                                                    infection in most victims apart from abnormal hunger,
                   These parts include a scolex, or head, which bears the
                                                                    malaise, and abdominal pain.
                   organs of attachment; a neck, which is the region of seg-
                   ment proliferation; and a chain of proglottids called
                   the strobila (Figure 7-5). The strobila elongates as
                                                                    Early descriptions of the worm tend to be unreliable
                                                                    because, as has already been mentioned, there was con-
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)    Taenia. Nevertheless, by the beginning of the seven-
                                                                    siderable confusion with the two common species of

                                                                    teenth century, it became apparent that there were two
                                                                    very different kinds of tapeworms (broad and taeniid)
                                                                    in humans. Although no doubt others had studied the
                                                                    broad fish tapeworm Diphyllobothrium, it is suggested
                                                                    that the fish tapeworm was first recognized as being dis-

                                                                    extensively described the disease (Cox, 2002). The first
                                                                    accurate description of the proglottids of cestodes was
                                                                    provided by another Swiss biologist, Charles  Bonnet,
                   FIGURE 7-5  Scolex of Taenia solium, a cestodal   tinct from Taenia by the Swiss physician Felix Plater, who
                   tapeworm                                         in 1750, but unfortunately the worm he illustrated was
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