Page 182 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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162    CHAPTER 7

                   CESTODIASIS (TAPEWORM                            CYSTICERCOSIS
                   INFECTIONS)                                      Cysticercosis is a term related to infection of the pork
                                                                    tapeworm larvae Taenia solium. Neurocysticercosis
                   The terms cestodiasis and cystercosis are used synon-
                   ymously in the tapeworm infection process of animals   is the most frequently encountered parasitic infestation
                                                                    of the central nervous system. In underdeveloped coun-
                   and humans. Humans can be infected by as many as 40
                   species of adult tapeworms and approximately 15 lar-  tries the disease has been endemic in Latin and South
                                                                    America, Africa, and rural areas of Eastern Europe and
                   val forms, mainly as accidental or incidental hosts. This
                   means that the food source may be the primary host   Asia. A recent increase in the condition has been ob-
                                                                    served in the United States and Canada, predominantly
                   that is infected, and then is ingested by the accidental
                   host. Uncooked meat from definitive hosts, when in-  in the immigrant populations from South America and
                                                                    Asia. Humans are considered incidental hosts or ac-
                   gested, may result in infections of a number of tissues of
                   the human body, including the formation of cysts in the   cidental hosts for the larval stages of several tapeworm
                                                                    species contracted almost exclusively by ingesting con-
                   heart, eyes, muscles, and even the brain. Patients with a
                   history of eating uncooked or undercooked pork, beef,   taminated meat or its by-products and wastes. The eggs
                                                                    hatch in the stomach before the larvae penetrate the wall
                   and fish and who exhibit signs of new onsets of seizures
                   may be found to have lesions of the brain from cysts   of the intestine and are circulated throughout the system,
                                                                    with frequent involvement in the brain (Figure 7-1). It is
                   formed there.

                                                                                                       Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                   FIGURE 7-1  Life cycle of Taenia spp., the causal agents of cysticercosis
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