Page 181 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 181



                                        Intestinal Cestodes

                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                   Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will be expected to:

                   ■    Describe the process by which cestodes reproduce
                   ■    Understand the role of an intermediate host in the life cycle of the parasite
                   ■    Define the development of cysticerci and the process of infecting definitive or final host
                   ■    Explain why humans are considered “accidental” or “incidental” hosts
                   ■    Discuss reproduction of cestodes and location of male and female reproductive systems
                   ■    Provide an explanation of how prevention of infection by tapeworms could be achieved

                   KEY TERMS

                   Accidental host                 Ellipsoidal                     Proglottid
                   Acetabula                       Flame cell                      Pseudophyllidean
                   Bladderworms                    Flukes                          Rostellum
                   Bothria                         Hemaphroditic                   Scolex
                   Cephalic ganglion               Hydatid larva (cyst)            Strobila
                   Cestodiasis                     Incidental host                 Taenia saginata
                   Coenurus larva                  Mature proglottids              Taenia solium
                   Coracidium                      Micro-crustacean copepod        Taenia tapeworms
                   Corpus Hippocratorum            Neurocysticercosis              Taeniid
                   Cyclophyllidean                 Oncosphere                      Unembryonated eggs
                   Cysticercosis                   Operculum                       Uterine pore
                   Cysticerci                      Plerocercoid larva
                   Diphyllobothriid                Procercoid

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