Page 183 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Intestinal Cestodes   163

                   common for asymptomatic infections to occur but a sig-  are surrounded by edema, which does not yield suitable
                   nificant number of patients exhibit seizures, increased   images with CT.
                   intracranial pressure, focal neurologic abnormalities, and   The most important cestodes belong to two groups:
                   various levels of altered mental status.         the taeniid and diphyllobothriid tapeworms. The char-
                       Four forms of neurocysticercosis are described as   acteristic taeniid adults, which can reach a length of
                   pathological conditions of humans: meningeal, paren-  several meters, live in the intestine, attached by a scolex
                   chymal, ventricular, and mixed. In each of these ana-  and shed mature proglottids (“segments”) containing
                   tomic areas, the death of the larval stages stimulates an   numerous eggs that pass out into the soil or water, at
                   extremely strong inflammatory response. Sizes of lesions   which time the enclosed eggs are released. When an
                   vary from small ones of approximately 1.5 cm to larger     intermediate host consumes the eggs, they hatch in the in-
                   cysts that range from 4 to 7 cm in diameter. Cysts may be   testine and then release larval stages called oncospheres.
                   visualized as calcified lesions most effectively and accu-  These  developmental forms burrow through the gut wall
                   rately by CT (computerized tomography) but the disad-  to reach various tissues of the host, where they develop
                   vantage of this method is due to significant exposure to   into encysted cysticerci or bladderworms. The life cycle
                   X-rays. An imaging procedure called magnetic resonance   is complete when undercooked or raw meat is eaten and
                   (MR) is sometimes used for demonstrating these calci-  the cysticerci are released and attach to the gut wall of the
                   fied lesions, a process that is beneficial when the lesions   final host, developing into adult tapeworms (Figure 7-2).

                                                                                                       Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                   FIGURE 7-2  Life cycle of diphyllobothrium spp.
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