Page 179 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 179

Intestinal Nematodes   159

                   STUDY QUESTIONS

                     1.  How is ascariasis transmitted in most instances?   7.  How do A. lumbricoides and the two major species
                     2.  The estimate of worldwide infection with       of hookworm differ in their effects on the stomach?
                       A.  lumbricoides is:                           8.  What symptoms and signs are found in serious
                                                                          diseases of heavy hookworm infection?
                     3.  During which period of history did signs of human
                       infection with A. lumbricoides occur?         9.  How is Ancylostoma duodenale passed from mother
                    4.  A. lumbricoides is a large worm that may reach up to   to baby?
                       what length?                                  10.  Approximately how many eggs are laid by the
                                                                          female hookworm per day, and where are these
                     5.  How was it determined that a tapeworm was a
                       single worm?                                     eggs eventually expelled?
                     6.  How many eggs can a single A. lumbricoides female   11.  Why does it take a considerable period of time be-
                                                                        fore acute symptoms of hookworm infection appear?
                       produce in a day, as an estimate?
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