Page 186 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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166    CHAPTER 7

                                                                                                                 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  FIGURE 7-7  Egg from the cestode Diphyllobothrium



                                                                    Most individuals infected with a fish tapeworm are
                                                                      asymptomatic. However, digestive disturbances includ-

                                                                    loss may occur but few symptoms may be experienced
                                                                    by healthy individuals. Anemia ensues in these infections
                   FIGURE 7-6  Various stages in the life cycle of the   ing abdominal pain and cramps accompanied by weight
                   tapeworm Diphyllobothrium latum                  due to a vitamin B  deficiency, due to the presence of
                                                                    the parasites infecting the intestine.
                   a Taenia scolex. He discovered his mistake in 1777 and   Life Cycle
                   later revised his works (Cox, 2002).
                       D. latum is the largest tapeworm found in humans   By the middle of the eighteenth century, it was apparent
                   with the strobila (entire length of the organism)   that infections with D. latum occurred in humans whose
                   reaching a length of up to 10 meters, with as many as   diet was mainly fish. However, it was not until the life
                   200 strobila involved. It is also the only tapeworm that   cycles of other tapeworms of biological interest had been
                   produces operculated eggs and lays them in the feces.   described that further progress was possible. The com-
                   Diphyllobothrium sp. unembryonated eggs (58–76 μm x   plications posed by the inclusion of three different hosts
                   40–51 μm) passed in the stool are oval or ellipsoidal   (humans and various species of fish and copepods) in the
                   (Figure 7-7). At opposite ends of the egg is a hardly   life cycle served to confuse the life cycle of the parasites.
                   discernible operculum, or lid, and at the other is a barely   An understanding of the life cycle of this parasite began
                   perceptible knob.                                in 1790, when the Dane Peter Christian Abildgaard ob-
                       In place of the suckers or hooks found on most   served that the intestines of a fish called the stickleback
                   tapeworm scolices, the D. latum tapeworm has a struc-  contained worms that resembled the tapeworms found in
                   ture called the bothria, which consists of two sucking   fish-eating birds; however, it was some time before there
                   grooves, and is the structure from which the name is   was any significant advance in our understanding of the
                   derived (di- indicates two, and bothrium). The gravid   life cycle of D. latum. The entire cycle begins with eggs
                   proglottids are wide and contain a rosette-shaped uterus   in feces, upon which the eggs in the embryonic stage
                   from which unembryonated eggs are released. The fish   hatch in water and release coracidia, which are ingested
                   tapeworm, D. latum, is apparently unique as the only   by certain crustaceans.
                   tapeworm that lays eggs and where these eggs may be re-  The life cycle of D. latum is complex due to the
                   covered from the feces.                          requirement for two intermediate hosts. The adult
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