Page 215 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 215

Intestinal Trematodes   195

                    TABLE 8-2  Characteristics of Schistosoma spp. Ova

                                      SCHISTOSOMA               SCHISTOSOMA                 SCHISTOSOMA
                                      MANSONI                   HEMATOBIUM                  JAPONICUM
                    Size              115–180 3 40–80 μm        110–170 3 40–70 μm          50–80 3 40–60 μm
                    Appearance        Spine located laterally   Spine located terminally    *Spine small and lateral

                   *Frequently not recognizable

                                        MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC FEATURE

                    General Classification—Blood Flukes

                    Organism                 Schistosoma sp.
                    Specimen Required          Adult blood flukes are worms that parasitize chiefly the mesenteric
                                             blood vessels
                    Stage                    May be found in blood  vessels,  although the  diagnostic stages
                                               involve chiefly the finding of ova for  differentiation of  species
                    Size                       Adult schistosomes range from 7–20 mm for males and 7–26 mm
                                             for females
                    Shape                    Varies by species
                    Motility                 Cercariae swim in water where hatched and penetrate skin
                    Other Features             Adults live in blood vessels of viscera of mammals; eggs enter
                                               bladder or intestine and are evacuated into water where the
                                             eggs hatch into miracidia that enter snails. Sporocysts  develop
                                             from these miracidia and evolve into  cercariae that are  capable
                                             of  penetrating the skin of a  suitable host, where they develop
                                             into adults.

                        Schistoma sp. ova
                           S. mansoni                  S. japonicum             S. hematobium

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