Page 211 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Intestinal Trematodes   191

                   Morphology                                       and even progress to epileptic-like signs. Pulmonary
                                                                    symptoms may include cough with chest pain, hemop-
                   This oval and brownish worm as an adult measures   tysis (blood in sputum), and bronchitis. Eosinophilia is
                   roughly 10 mm in length and 8 mm in width. The eggs   often present and the larval stage may migrate to the
                   of the oriental lung fluke are oval and measure, on aver-  brain and produce neurological signs and symptoms.
                   age, 100 μm in length and 55 μm in width. The egg is
                   unembryonated when passed in the feces and the oper-  Life Cycle
                   culated egg appears similar in size and shape to that of
                   the Diphyllobothrium latum tapeworm with the excep-  The life cycle of the worm of the genus Paragonimus
                   tion that the lung fluke has opercular shoulders and a     occurs widely in Asia and includes the countries of  Japan,
                   thickened shell at the opposite end of the operculum as a   Korea, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, and  Thailand
                   differentiating characteristic.                  (Figure 8-5). Eggs from the adult larvae are coughed up in
                                                                    the sputum from the lungs and swallowed. Upon reaching
                   Symptoms                                         the intestines the eggs are passed in the stool and contam-
                                                                    ination of fresh water sources ensues in some cases. Upon
                   The disease is manifested clinically in a number of   hatching, miracidia are produced that invade certain
                   ways that range from the victims who appear perfectly   species of snails. Large numbers of these  stumpy-tailed
                   healthy to those with severe clinical signs and symptoms.   cercariae leave the snail and crawl into the muscles and
                     Peritoneal infections often lead to dysentery, masses in   visceral (gut) tissue of water creatures, such as crayfish
                   the abdominal region, and significant pain. Invasions of   and crabs, which become the secondary or secondary
                   the central nervous system may lead to seizures, paralysis,   intermediate hosts that inhabit fresh water.  Humans eat

                                                                                                       Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                   FIGURE 8-5  Life cycle of Paragonimus westermani, one of the causal agents of paragonimiasis
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