Page 219 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 219



                                        Invasive Tissue Parasites

                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                   Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will be expected to:

                   ■    Explain the invasion of tissue by the T. spiralis organism
                   ■    List the signs and symptoms of the trichinosis
                   ■    Discuss the role of carnivores in transmitting E. granulosus
                   ■    Understand reasons for difficulty in differentiating between E. granulosus and E. multilocularis
                   ■    Describe ways in which tissue-invading and cyst-forming parasites can be controlled

                   KEY TERMS

                   Acellular                       Eosinophil                      Osteitis deformans
                   Anaphylaxis                     Feces                           Paget’s disease
                   Antigens                        Fomites                         Proglottids
                   Calcifies                       Herbivores                      Protoscolices
                   Canid species                   Hydatid                         Rostellum
                   CT scans                        Hydatid cysts                   Scolex
                   Dead-end hosts                  Hydatid sand                    Striated skeletal muscle
                   Definitive hosts                Hydatiform                      Suckers
                   Deworming                       Intermediate hosts              Talmud
                   Dissected                       Intraperitoneal                 Trichina
                   Echinococcus                    Intrapleural                    Trichinellosis
                   Edema                           Metastasis                      Trichinosis
                   Embryos                         Multivesicular                  Unilocular
                   Encapsulated                    Nematodes
                   Encysted                        Oncospheres

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