Page 231 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Invasive Tissue Parasites   211

                    ■    Racking cough with blood that is sometimes     sure that both pets and wild animals can’t defecate
                       diagnosed as tuberculosis                        on the soil where the plants are grown. As added
                    ■    Jaundice as a result of pressure by an enlarged cyst   insurance against becoming infected, personal pro-
                       that might obstruct bile drainage                tective equipment, particularly disposable gloves, is
                                                                          mandatory when gardening or removing droppings
                                                                        and disinfecting the kennel.
                   Treatment and Prevention
                                                                     ■    Prevention of Animal Infections
                   Remember that hydatid disease can lead to eventual
                                                                        Controlling tapeworm infections in domestic
                   death without adequate medical treatment. Therefore,   dogs, working dogs, and a number of pet species is
                   an accurate diagnosis is important, as a number of symp-
                                                                        paramount. Deworming dogs on a routine basis is
                   toms and signs can be attributed to other medical condi-  important to prevent the spread of echinococcosis.
                   tions. A life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
                                                                        The careful disposal of excrement, particularly
                   resulting from a heavily infested organ that may fail or   for dogs being treated for tapeworm infection, is
                   a cyst may rupture and cause a serious consequences.
                                                                        extremely important. It should be realized that in-
                   Both phases of the tapeworm’s life cycle, the definitive   fected dogs often have no symptoms while suffering
                   and the intermediate host infections, must be broken in
                                                                        from a tapeworm infection and infected dogs may
                   order to prevent infection since the life cycle is a com-  show few or no signs of infection and may appear
                   plex sequence. Guidelines that will help to prevent infec-
                                                                        happy and healthy.
                   tion include:
                                                                        In rural areas dogs may have exposure to wild-
                    ■    Personal Safety                                life and animal carcasses and this puts them at
                       The most important facet of preventing infection   increased risk for contracting an infection. Make
                       includes washing hands before eating, drinking,   it a practice to feed dogs with only commercially
                       and smoking and after gardening or handling ani-  prepared dog foods from reputable manufactur-
                       mals. Wash hands thoroughly, particularly after   ers. Do not feed raw or cooked waste meats that
                       cleaning dog pens, after which the waste is most   include  organs and entrails to a dog. This precau-
                       often buried or burned. Even after handling or be-  tion extends to animal products obtained from a
                       ing in contact with a dog or its feeding containers,   butcher or supermarket. In addition, dogs should
                       wash hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.   be restrained to prevent them from going into areas
                       Children should be taught the dangers of failing to   where feces from wild animals, sheep, and cattle
                       wash their hands effectively and very small children   may have contaminated the ground. If dogs are not
                       should be supervised when they wash their hands.   free to roam, there is less likelihood of their coming
                       Home vegetable gardens should be fenced to make   into contact with animal feces.


                   Both nematodes and cestodes are capable of invading   Trichinosis may also be known as trichinellosis
                   tissues of the body, causing extensive immune responses   and trichina infection. The causative organism is the
                   and tissue damage. The trichinella species (Trichinella   intestinal nematode worm Trichinella spiralis, and it
                    spiralis) chiefly is ingested with poorly cooked food and   requires two hosts in the life cycle. Infection occurs
                   during the life cycle of the organism; the muscles are in-  when encysted muscle, particularly from pork, is eaten
                   vaded and the larval forms encyst in the muscles, caus-  and the infected meat breaks down to release the organ-
                   ing pain to the infected victim. Hydatifiorm diseases are   isms that then infect the muscle tissue. The relation-
                   caused by a cestode, or tapeworm, contracted through   ship between pork and associated disease in humans
                   contaminated materials and may invade the body of a hu-  was established by James Paget in 1821. Adult worms
                   man, including the nervous system. These are caused by   were  observed in 1859 and 1860, where a positive
                   Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis.  link between eating raw port and the development of
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