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210    CHAPTER 9

                   before preparing and eating meals can prevent the eggs   or contaminate the vegetable garden. The eggs
                   from entering the human digestive tract. Employing   are highly resistant to weather conditions and can
                   these simple practices in some areas has practically   remain  viable for months. The eggs have to be
                   rid the populations of hydatids such as Echinococcus   swallowed by an animal (intermediate host) to
                   infections in both humans and domestic animals, even   form hydatid cysts.
                   when the disease was prevalent at one time.

                   GENERALIZED LIFE CYCLE                           INFECTION IN HUMANS
                   OF THE TAPEWORM                                  Human infection does not occur from eating infected
                                                                    meat that includes organs and entrails. People usually
                   The tapeworm needs two hosts to complete its life cycle:
                                                                    become infected by accidentally swallowing the tape-
                    1.  Intermediate host—these hosts vary depending   worm eggs passed in dog feces. This occurs from pet-
                       upon the region of the world and the intermediate   ting the animal without adequately washing hands and
                       hosts available there, but which typically include   then eating or smoking and then making contact with the
                       the grazing animals. In some areas, grazing animals   mouth using dirty hands. The human takes the role of
                       such as pigs, cattle, goats, and horses most com-  the intermediate host by substituting for sheep, horses,
                       monly are hosts. In Australia, dingoes (wild dogs),   or cattle, and perhaps other herbivores. The organisms
                       wallabies, and kangaroos are the animals most   travel through the blood vessels before lodging in organs
                       commonly infected with tapeworms. The normal   where they form watery hydatid cysts full of tapeworm
                       fauna of the various geographic regions of the world   heads (scoleces). This is known as hydatid disease or
                       that graze in areas where canids also exist provide   echinococcosis. Hydatid disease is not contagious and is
                       the conditions that may lead to infections with spe-  not passed by person-to-person contact, which is why a
                       cies of the Echinococcus genus. Infection begins   human is considered a dead-end host.
                       when the grazing animal eats grass infected with
                       the feces from a dog or other canid species that is   Symptoms of Hydatid Disease
                       infected with tapeworm eggs. The eggs hatch in the
                       animal’s gut into embryos (called oncospheres).   Typical symptoms of hydatid disease will depend on the
                       These embryos penetrate the wall of the intestine   severity of the disease and which organs are affected. For
                       and are carried in the bloodstream to vital organs   E. multilocularis, the most commonly affected organ is
                       such as the liver, lungs, or brain where they can   the liver. The kidneys, brain, and lungs are sometimes
                       develop into hydatid cysts. These cysts contain   affected. In rare cases, hydatid cysts may form in the
                       around 30 to 40 tapeworm heads (the first segment   thyroid gland or heart or within bone. E. granulosus is
                       of the tapeworm). A mature fertile cyst may contain   found in more diverse tissues and organs than E. mul-
                       several million such heads.                  tilocularis. Signs and symptoms may not occur for con-
                    2.  Definitive host—such as dogs and other canine   siderable lengths of time following the contraction of an
                       species. Infection begins when the animal eats   infection, possibly even up to months or several years
                       wastes that contain hydatid cysts. The swallowed   later. In some cases, no symptoms are ever experienced
                       cysts burst and the tapeworm heads travel to the   and presence of the disease may be purely accidental.
                       gut and attach themselves to the intestine wall. The   When symptoms do occur, they may include any or all of
                       tapeworms are mature after about 6 weeks. An adult   the items from the following list:
                       E. granulosis tapeworm is only 6 mm, or about   ■    Stomach upset frequently accompanied with
                       1/4 in., in length. Thousands can inhabit the gut   diarrhea
                       of an infected animal. Each mature worm grows
                                                                     ■    Unexplained weight loss that in many cases in-
                       and sheds the last segment of its body about every
                                                                        cludes anemia
                       2 weeks. This last segment contains immature
                       eggs. The eggs are passed from the animal’s body   ■    Distended abdomen
                       in fecal material and may stick to the animal’s hair   ■    Extreme fatigue and feelings of weakness
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