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232    CHAPTER 11

                   presence of a dorsal plate, or scutum. There are over   avoiding attachment. Preventive practices such as body
                   200 member species of the genus Ixodes and a number of   searches should be scrupulously performed for effec-
                   separate species are capable of transmitting Lyme disease   tiveness. For this  reason, a thorough body check should
                   to humans. Hard ticks die after producing a clutch of   include  special attention to hairy areas, including the
                   eggs, whereas soft ticks can produce eggs over a period   head, chest, underarms, and pubic regions, in order to
                   of several years.                                find adult ticks before they attach and begin to feed.
                                                                    Nymphs and larvae may not be as easily seen as adult
                   Avoiding the Contraction of                      ticks because they are quite small and practically trans-
                   Disease from Tick Bites                          parent in some species, so extreme care should be exer-
                                                                    cised in searching for these forms. In addition, to further
                   Several methods exist for avoiding tick bites and the   avoid the multitude of infections that may be contracted
                   possibility of becoming infected through contact with a   by pets from a tick bite, a daily examination of a pet’s
                   tick, some of which will be practiced concurrently. First,   body is also necessary when the pet has visited an area
                   and most important, avoiding habitats such as the edges   in or near woods or fields.
                   of brushy fields frequented by ticks and proper body   When considering the use of an insect  repellent,
                   searches will eliminate many ticks. Staying away from   one of the best tick repellents is called  DEET
                   certain habitats where ticks are prevalent during the peak   (N,N- diethyl-m-toluamide). Products containing 10
                   of tick season is perhaps the best way to prevent tick bites   to 35 percent DEET, an effective and versatile insect
                   and potential infections. In most areas of the country, this   repellent, will provide sufficient protection under nor-
                   time period is usually from early April into early fall. But   mal conditions when used according to instructions.
                   depending upon the temperature of the various latitudes,   Insect repellents that contain DEET have stood the
                   this period may vary by several weeks and starts earlier   test of time, as they have been in existence for more
                   in the more southerly latitudes and will end a few weeks   than 40 years and are especially effective when used in
                   later than in the northern zones. Extremely cold weather   conjunction with protective clothing. If these practices
                   in the early fall serves to lower a population of ticks that   are followed, the chances of becoming bitten by ticks is
                   may overwinter in the larval stage and emerge to breed   greatly minimized (Figure 11-7). They have been used
                   the following spring.                            by people throughout the world in order to avoid a host
                       The second most important means of preventing   of insects and other related organisms, which include
                   tick bites and perhaps subsequent infections, is by wear-  not only ticks but other important vectors and pests that
                   ing protective clothing. If it is necessary to enter a tick   include flies, mosquitoes, fleas, and chiggers, to name a
                   habitat, wearing light-colored clothing, including a long-  few. DEET preparations are available in many forms that
                   sleeved shirt tucked into trousers and long-legged pants
                   tucked into socks, is beneficial. This will not only help to
                   prevent ticks from reaching your body, but as ticks roam
                   the body they are easier to see against a light background.
                   It is quite simple to remove these ticks before they find a
                   way to reach the skin. DO NOT wear flea and tick col-
                   lars around ankles to prevent ticks from attaching to the
                   skin. This practice can be extremely dangerous, because
                   the insecticide is absorbed through the skin and into                                         Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   the body. In addition, do not crush these ticks between
                   unprotected fingers, as this may release infectious patho-
                   genic organisms.
                       The third method of prevention of tick bites
                     requires the help of a friend. Because both male and
                    female adult ticks tend to explore the body of a host for   FIGURE 11-7  Wear long sleeves with trousers tucked
                   sometimes up to several hours before they attach them-  into socks during peak tick season. Spray DEET
                   selves to the skin, body searches are quite effective in   directly onto clothes
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