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Organisms Borne by Ticks and Other Vectors   237

                                                                    also experienced significant numbers of cases of babesio-
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  are both intra-erythrocytic parasites (dwell inside the red
                                                                    sis in recent years. It is sometimes called the “malaria of
                                                                    the Northeast” because babesiosis and human malaria

                                                                    blood cells) and both may eventually cause the destruc-
                                                                    tion of red blood cells and both are caused by a single-
                                                                    celled protozoan. And along with Babesia microti, other
                                                                    species of Babesia infect people on continents other than
                                                                    North America. These related species of Babesia cause
                                                                    similar illnesses in both humans and animals in a number
                                                                    of countries other than the United States.
                                                                        But contrary to the Plasmodium genus of para-
                                                                    sites that cause malaria, the Babesia species lack an exo-
                   FIGURE 11-13  Babesia microti in blood smear, an
                                                                    erythrocytic phase, one in which stages of the life cycle
                   intracellular parasite of red blood cells; note the clump
                                                                    occur outside the red blood cells as occurs for malaria
                   of platelets to the left of the infected RBC
                                                                    in the mosquito vector. Therefore, in the liver involve-
                                                                    ment found in malaria, of which there are four major
                   parasite called a protozoan that is an intracellular para-  human varieties, significant jaundice may exist due to de-
                   site that infects the red blood cells, as does the organ-  stroyed red blood cells. Jaundice is usually not found in
                   ism  Plasmodium that produces malaria (Figure 11-13).   B.  microti infections to the extent that malaria is. It has
                     Following the infection called trypanosomiasis, also   not been definitively documented that there are sig-
                   caused by a blood parasite, Babesia organisms are   nificant cases of Babesia species that occur in malaria-
                   thought to be the second most common blood parasites   endemic areas. If this were the case the misdiagnosis of
                   of mammals. In addition, these organisms contribute to a   malaria, of the genus Plasmodium, could easily be made
                   major impact on the health of domestic animals in areas   in cases of babesiosis. In addition, another major differ-
                   that do not experience a severe winter season.   ence lies in the fact that malaria is spread exclusively by
                       Babesiosis infections are more common in animals   a particular species of mosquito, that of the Anopheles
                   than in humans but human cases have been reported in   mosquito, rather than by a tick vector. The range of geo-
                   certain parts of the United States. And although  human   graphic regions where one species of organism is found
                   babesiosis is uncommon, reported cases have risen re-  might not be conducive to the requirements for survival
                   cently, presumably because of an expanded medical   of the other disease agent. However, Lyme disease and
                   awareness. The locations in which babesiosis has been   babesiosis could occur concurrently because the tick
                   reported are approximately the same as those where   species known to be vectors of the two diseases may be
                   Lyme disease is also endemic. For the transmission of   found in close proximity.
                   babesiosis, a vector-borne illness usually transmitted by   Cases of babesiosis have also been reported
                   Ixodid ticks, the deer tick typically carries the parasite   over a wide area of Europe. Most countries of Europe
                   that causes this illness. Babesia microti is transmitted by   have  experienced at least some evidence of the illness.
                   the same tick vector, Ixodes scapularis, as are Lyme dis-  The disease in Europe, as is the case in North America,
                   ease and ehrlichiosis, and may occur in conjunction with   is due to infection of the Babesia genus of which  Babesia
                   these other diseases. In endemic areas, B. microti may   divergens is the most common species found. In the
                   also be transmitted through blood transfusions as the or-  United States, B. microti is the species most commonly
                   ganisms could possibly survive the testing and the stor-  associated with human disease but there are at least some
                   age required for preparing bags of blood for transfusion.   cases in this country also attributed to Babesia duncani.
                       In North America, the illness is prevalent in the   Cases of babesiosis have also been observed in both
                   coastal areas of Connecticut, New Jersey, and on islands   North and South Korea.
                   off the coasts of New York and Massachusetts including   Some people, especially healthy people younger than
                   eastern Long Island and its barrier island, Fire Island.   the age of 40, often may have few if any noticeable symp-
                   But the states of Wisconsin, Georgia, and California have   toms upon infection. Others may present with symptoms
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