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242    CHAPTER 11

                   How Is Ehrlichiosis Contracted?                  Endemic Areas of the
                                                                    United States
                   In the United States, Ehrlichiae organisms are trans-
                   mitted via two different genera of hard ticks. As stated   Most cases of ehrlichiosis are reported within the
                    previously, the specific vector responsible for any of these    geographic distribution of the three vector ticks, namely
                   tick-borne illnesses is based upon geographic location.   Amblyomma americanum,  Ixodes scapularis, and
                   There are two known vectors of the bacterial  species   I.  pacificus. Occasional cases may occur from areas out-
                    capable of causing ehrlichiosis in the United States. The   side the normal distribution of the tick vector. But in most
                   lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum), the blacklegged   of these instances the cases have been traced to persons
                   tick  (Ixodes scapularis), and the western blacklegged tick   who have recently traveled to areas where the tick-borne
                    (Ixodes pacificus) are both known vectors of ehrlichiosis   diseases are endemic. Therefore, it is reasonable that
                   in the United States. The bacterial species of the caus-  these individuals were unknowingly bitten by an infected
                   ative agent for ehrlichiosis may vary between the two ma-  tick and did not develop symptoms until after returning
                   jor genera of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia.           to their home areas. Therefore, travel to an area that is
                       Thirty states within the United States have  reported   considered endemic for ehrlichiosis within the past 2 to
                   the disease, whereas most of the southern states are   3 weeks prior to developing symptoms should alert the
                    responsible for the majority of the cases, as the climate   physician that there is a possibility of a tick-borne illness,
                   supports a large tick population. On the European con-  including that of ehrlichiosis.
                   tinent, Ixodes ricinus is the primary tick vector respon-
                   sible for transmitting the disease. An Ixodid, or hard   Diagnosis and Treatment for
                   tick, A. americanum is found through the eastern and   Ehrlichiosis
                   south-central states and can transmit a number of disease
                   agents including ehrlichiosis that affects humans, dogs,   Ehrlichiosis is a febrile illness with significant systemic
                   goats, and white-tailed deer. Representatives from all   symptoms including severe headaches, chills, muscle pain,
                   three of its life stages may aggressively bite people in the   and sometimes a rash along with other assorted subjec-
                   southern United States. The lone star ticks are capable   tive symptoms dependent upon the severity of the infec-
                   of transmitting Ehrlichia chaffeensis and E. ewingii, both   tion and the victim’s general health. Laboratory findings
                   of which cause the disease.                      may include anemia, a decreased white blood cell count
                                                                    where certain types of white cells are specifically  affected
                   Symptoms of Ehrlichiosis                         and which include a lymphocyte count and a blood plate-
                                                                    let count. Biochemistry levels with plasma electrolyte im-
                   Non-specific symptoms similar to those of influenza   balances (sodium, potassium, and chloride) may reveal
                   are the predominant characteristics of the symptoms of   low sodium values perhaps related to nausea along with
                   ehrlichiosis. The complaints by patients requesting medi-    elevated liver enzymes that would indicate a degree of
                   cal treatment and who are diagnosed with ehrlichiosis will   liver damage. Examinations of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
                   often resemble symptoms of a number of other infectious   may reveal an increased white blood cell level as well as
                   and some non-infectious diseases. These clinical features   an increased total protein level, values that are commonly
                   generally include fever, general malaise, fatigue, leukopenia   found during infections. The antibiotic doxycycline is
                   (low white blood cell count),  thrombocytopenia (low   the most effective, whereas antibiotic susceptibility tests
                   platelet count), headache, and muscular aches and pains.     appear to show resistance of some strains of the organism
                   Other signs and symptoms may include nausea, vomiting,   to a powerful antibiotic called chloramphenicol.
                   diarrhea, cough, joint pains, confusion, and occasionally
                   a rash. Symptoms typically appear after an incubation   Southern Tick–Associated Rash
                     period of 5 to 10 days following the tick bite. It is possible   Illness (STARI)
                   that some individuals who are infected with an ehrlichial
                   agent will not become ill enough to be aware of a disease   A rash similar to that of Lyme disease has been de-
                   state or they may develop only mild and innocuous symp-  scribed in humans following bites of the lone star tick,
                   toms that are spontaneously resolved.              Amblyomma americanum. The rash may be accompanied
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