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Organisms Borne by Ticks and Other Vectors   243

                   by general malaise, fatigue, fever, headache, muscle, and   have yielded no evidence of serological antibodies to the
                   joint pains. This condition has been descriptively named    organism B. lonestari. In all the cases of this disease that
                   Southern Tick–associated Rash Illness (STARI) because   have been studied to the current time, the rash and ac-
                   of the characteristic “bull’s eye” rash called  erythema   companying symptoms have resolved promptly follow-
                   chronicum migrans that develops immediately around   ing treatment with oral antibiotics.
                   the bite of a tick. This manifestation of the infection   It is a certainty that STARI may be specifically
                   mimics that of the circular rash typically observed in   linked to bites from the tick Amblyomma americanus,
                   most cases of Lyme disease. Borrelia lonestari, a patho-  which is commonly known as the lone star tick, even
                   gen associated with STARI, also infects lone star ticks.   though the identity of the causative organism is unknown.
                   Research suggests that up to 10 percent of the lone star   The adult female is distinguished by an irregularly
                   ticks in an endemic area can be infected with any one of   shaped white dot or lone star on her back but all three
                   these pathogens. These ticks may also be infected with a   life stages  including the nymph, larval, and adult forms of
                   spotted-fever group of rickettsia, Rickettsia amblyommii,   A. americanum tend to aggressively bite humans.
                   but it is unknown at this time if this bacterium causes a
                   similar or the same disease.                     Preventing Infection Related
                                                                    to STARI
                   Symptoms of STARI
                                                                    In general, tick-borne illness may be prevented by avoid-
                   The symptoms accompanying this disease are somewhat   ing tick habitats such as the edges of dense wooded areas
                   vague and are the same as or similar to several other tick-  with tall grasses and brushy areas. The same precautions
                   borne diseases. Symptoms of STARI infections are mild   that are used for other tick and insect vectors include the
                   and resemble respiratory illnesses similar to those found   use of repellents containing DEET or permethrin and
                   in cases of influenza, accompanied by symptoms of mus-  wearing light-colored clothing that includes long trousers
                   cle pains, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms may   tucked into socks. Carefully conducted body searches to
                   also include a clinical finding of an elevated temperature,   remove ticks before the vectors have the opportunity
                   but this is by no means characteristic. The rash found in   to explore the body and to eventually become embedded
                   STARI usually appears within 7 days of a tick bite and   is paramount following outdoor activity, particularly in
                   may expand to an area of the skin around the bite site   an endemic area.
                   spanning up to 3 in. in diameter or even perhaps slightly   Victims of tick bites should monitor their health
                   larger. Quite frequently, the mechanical act of having   closely for several days to a few weeks following the inci-
                   been bitten will cause some redness and slight pain. But   dent and should consult a physician if a rash appears of
                   an accompanying rash found in cases of STARI is much   if headaches, elevated temperature, or unusual feelings of
                   more pronounced than any localized damage to the skin   fatigue are experienced. If muscle pains and particularly
                   from an uncomplicated tick bite and the two should   if swollen lymph nodes occur within a month of receiv-
                   not be confused. But unlike Lyme disease, STARI has   ing a tick bite, these symptoms and signs should prompt
                   not been associated with any arthritic, neurological, or   a visit to a physician. In most cases any treatment of
                   chronic symptoms.                                persons who merely have a tick bite without prolonged
                                                                    exposure to an imbedded tick is not necessary. Epide-
                   Causative Organism of                            miologists at the CDC perform ongoing surveillance of
                   Lyme Disease                                     STARI and are actively involved in seeking blood sam-
                                                                    ples from patients who exhibit the signs and symptoms
                   The causative organism for STARI is currently not clear   of STARI with the goal of eventually identifying the in-
                   and studies have shown that the disease is not caused by   fectious organism that causes the disease called STARI.
                   Borrelia burgdorferi, the organism that causes Lyme dis-
                   ease. Another spirochete, Borrelia lonestari, was  detected   Causes of STARI
                   in the skin of one patient and in the lone star tick that
                   delivered the bite. Studies conducted on a number of   The only certainty in the contraction of this disease is that
                   patients exhibiting the signs and symptoms of STARI   the illness is a tick-borne disease undoubtedly transmitted
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