Page 287 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 287

Laboratory Procedures for Identifying Parasitic Organisms and Their Ova  267

                   flotation procedure but it should be noted that the flotation method is not particularly
                   effective in the recovery of operculated eggs and unfertilized Ascaris lumbricoides
                   ova. And with iodine, the zinc sulfate kills trophozoites and alters the morphology of
                   some fragile eggs such as those of Hymenolepsis nana. If these organisms are sug-
                   gested from history and from the wet mount, the formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation
                   method should be utilized.

                   Equipment and Supplies
                     1.  Protective gloves and disposable gown
                     2.  Clean water (deionized or distilled water may be preferable to avoid contaminants)
                    3.  13 3 100 round-bottom test tubes
                     4.  Fixed and washed fecal sample obtained by the following steps.
                     5.  Centrifuge with head adaptable for the 13 3 100 test tubes
                    6.  22 3 22 mm cover glasses
                     7.  Test tube rack configured to hold tubes in vertical position

                    8.  Pasteur pipettes
                     9.  Microbiological wire loop
                     10.  Standard microscope slides

                     11.  Zinc sulfate of 1.20 specific gravity
                     12.  Saline for washing samples

                    Clinical Precaution:
                    Specific gravity of zinc sulfate should be verified by use of a hydrometer.

                    A specific of 1.20 is preferable for formalin-preserved specimens.

                   Procedural Steps
                   33% Zinc Sulfate Solution Preparation
                       330 g zinc sulfate
                       Water added to reach (QS) a volume of 1000 mL

                       Additional water or zinc sulfate to produce a specific gravity (SpG) of 1.18. Specifi c
                   gravity can be determined with a hydrometer and adjusted to 1.20 by adding small

                   amounts of zinc sulfate. Zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation has the unique ability to fl oat
                   Giardia cysts as well as other parasite structures. It is a simple, accurate, and inex-
                   pensive procedure that can be performed in almost any basic clinical laboratory.

                     1.  Prepare washed and fixed fecal sample in a 13 3 100 mm test tube. The sample
                        is prepared by centrifuging the suspension at 1500 rpm for 10 minutes and then
                        carefully pouring off the supernatant into a container containing disinfectant.
                        If the sample still contains a large amount of fecal debris, resuspend the sample
                        in 10 to 15 mL of saline or formalin and recentrifuge. This procedure may be
                        repeated in the presence of excess fecal debris.
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