Page 232 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 232

B.  phagocytic material.

                       C.  fatty acids.

                       D.  hormones.

                       E.  lysosomes.

                 5.  Which cells produce antibodies to fight off infections in the organism?

                       A.  Lymphoblasts

                       B.  Plasma cells

                       C.  Eosinophils

                       D.  Basophils

                       E.  Pluropotential cells of bone marrow


                 1. Correct answer: C. The pyknotic nucleus is extruded. In order to increase
                     the  area  of  the  cytoplasm  for  gas-carrying  capacity,  the  developing
                     erythrocytes extrude their nuclei and enter the circulation.

                 2. Correct answer: A. Accumulation of specific granules in their cytoplasm.

                     The accumulation of different granules in the cytoplasm of the myelocytes
                     allows identification of differentiating myelocytes.

                 3.  Correct  answer:  B.  Eosinophils.  These  cells  have  affinity  for  and
                     phagocytize the antigen–antibody complexes.

                 4.  Correct  answer:  E.  Lysosomes.  With  electron  microscopic  examination,
                     the  cytoplasm  of  neutrophils  contains  granules  that  have  been  shown  to

                     contain lysosomes.

                 5. Correct answer: B. Plasma cells. B lymphocytes differentiate into plasma
                     cells  when  exposed  to  antigens,  after  which  they  produce  antibodies  to
                     counteract invading or infectious organisms.


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