Page 31 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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FIGURE 11.2 Internal contents of a lymph node.

                     FIGURE 11.3 Internal contents of the spleen.

                     FIGURE 11.4 Lymph node (panoramic view).

                     FIGURE 11.5 Lymph node: capsule, cortex, and medulla (sectional view).

                     FIGURE 11.6 Cortex and medulla of a lymph node.

                     FIGURE  11.7  Lymph  node:  subcortical  sinus,  trabecular  sinus,  reticular
                     cells, and lymphatic nodule.

                     FIGURE 11.8 Lymph node: high endothelial venule in the paracortex (deep
                     cortex) of a lymph node.

                     FIGURE  11.9  Lymph  node:  subcapsular  sinus,  trabecular  sinus,  and
                     supporting reticular fibers.

                     FIGURE 11.10 Thymus gland (panoramic view).

                     FIGURE 11.11 Thymus gland (sectional view).

                     FIGURE 11.12 Cortex and medulla of a thymus gland.

                     FIGURE 11.13 Spleen (panoramic view).

                     FIGURE 11.14 Spleen: red and white pulp.

                     FIGURE 11.15 Red and white pulp of the spleen.

                     FIGURE 11.16 Palatine tonsil.

                     FIGURE 11.17 A low-power section of a primate lymph node illustrating
                     its internal components.

                     FIGURE 11.18 Medium magnification of a section of primate cortex and
                     medulla of a lymph node.

                     FIGURE 11.19 Higher magnification of a primate lymph node illustrating
                     its contents.

                     FIGURE 11.20 Low-magnification section of human spleen illustrating its

                     FIGURE 11.21 A section of human spleen illustrating lymphatic nodules,

                     periarteriolar lymphatic sheath (PALS), and the red and white pulp.

                     FIGURE 11.22 A section of primate thymus gland illustrating the cortex
                     and medulla and their contents.

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