Page 34 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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FIGURE 13.12 Dried tooth (longitudinal section). Ground and unstained.

                     FIGURE 13.13 Dried tooth: dentinoenamel junction. Ground and unstained.

                     FIGURE  13.14  Dried  tooth:  cementum  and  dentin  junction.  Ground  and

                     FIGURE 13.15 Developing tooth (longitudinal section).

                     FIGURE 13.16 Developing tooth: dentinoenamel junction in detail.

               SECTION 2 Major Salivary Glands

                     FIGURE  13.17  Salivary  glands.  The  different  types  of  acini  (serous,
                     mucous,  and  mixed,  with  serous  demilunes),  different  duct  types

                     (intercalated,  striated,  and  interlobular),  and  myoepithelial  cells  of  a
                     salivary gland are illustrated.

                     FIGURE 13.18 Parotid salivary gland.

                     FIGURE 13.19 Submandibular salivary gland.

                     FIGURE 13.20 Sublingual salivary gland.

                     FIGURE 13.21 Serous salivary gland: parotid gland.

                     FIGURE 13.22 Mixed salivary gland: sublingual gland.

                     FIGURE 13.23 Dorsal surface of the human tongue illustrating the filiform
                     and fungiform papillae with taste buds.

                     FIGURE  13.24  Dorsal  surface  of  the  human  tongue  illustrating  the
                     circumvallate papilla with surrounding structures.

                     FIGURE 13.25 Plastic section of the fungiform papilla on a primate tongue

                     illustrating taste buds.

                     FIGURE  13.26  Section  of  a  primate  serous  parotid  salivary  gland
                     illustrating a striated duct and serous acini.

                     FIGURE  13.27  Seromucous  (submandibular)  primate  gland  illustrating

                     serous and mucous acini and different excretory ducts.

                     FIGURE  13.28  Plastic  section  of  a  primate  seromucous  (submandibular)
                     salivary gland illustrating the serous and mucous acini.

                     FIGURE 13.29 A section of primate seromucous (sublingual) gland with
                     mucous acini, serous demilunes, and excretory ducts.

                     FIGURE  13.30  A  section  of  primate  seromucous  (sublingual)  gland

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