Page 426 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 426

D.  having little glycogen in their cytoplasm.

                       E.  containing granules in their cytoplasm.

                 3.  What causes the release of atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH)?

                       A.  Decreased blood volume in the atrium

                       B.  Decreased heart rate

                       C.  Decreased blood pressure

                       D.  Stretching or distention of the atrium

                       E.  Stretching or distention of the ventricle

                 4.  The main function of atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) is to:

                       A.  increase blood flow into the atrium.

                       B.  increase blood pressure.

                       C.  reduce atrial distention.

                       D.  reduce ventricular distention.

                       E.  decrease pacemaker activity.

                 5.  The sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) nodes are composed of:

                       A.  motor or efferent neurons.

                       B.  sensory or afferent neurons.

                       C.  the axon terminals of the autonomic nervous system.

                       D.  unipolar ganglion cells.

                       E.  modified cardiac muscle fibers.


                 1. Correct Answer: D. Atrioventricular bundle. This bundle divides into right
                     and left bundle branches to stimulate both ventricles to contract.

                 2.  Correct  Answer:  D.  Having  little  glycogen  in  their  cytoplasm.  Purkinje
                     fibers also have fewer contractile elements.

                 3.  Correct  Answer:  D.  Stretching  or  distention  of  the  atrium.  This  action
                     causes  the  release  of  ANH  that  results  in  decreased  blood  pressure  and
                     blood volume, reducing the distention of atrial wall.

                 4.  Correct  Answer:  C.  The  main  function  of  ANH  is  to  reduce  atrial

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