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on the convex surface. Lymph is then filtered as it flows through the cortex and

               medullary sinuses to exit the lymph node on the opposite side via the efferent
               lymphatic vessels.

                   The spleen is a large lymphoid organ with a rich blood supply. A connective
               tissue  capsule  surrounds  the  spleen  and  divides  its  interior  into  incomplete
               compartments  called  the  splenic  pulp,  which  consists  of  white  pulp  and  red

               pulp. They are so named because of their color when the raw spleen is cut open.
               White  pulp  consists  of  dark-staining  lymphoid  aggregations  or  lymphatic
               nodules  that  surround  a  blood  vessel  called  the  central  artery.  This  is  a
               misnomer  because  the  central  artery  is  located  in  an  eccentric  position  in  the

               white  pulp.  White  pulp  is  located  within  the  blood-rich  red  pulp.  The  arterial
               system ends in red pulp, which consists of splenic cords and splenic (blood)
               sinusoids. The splenic cords contain networks of reticular fibers with numerous
               macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and different blood cells. In contrast,

               splenic sinuses are interconnected blood channels that drain splenic blood into
               larger sinuses that leave the spleen via the splenic vein (Fig. 11.3).

               FIGURE 11.3 ■ Internal contents of the spleen.

               The  thymus  gland  is  a  soft,  lobulated  lymphoepithelial  organ  located  in  the
               upper anterior mediastinum and lower part of the neck. The gland is most active
               during childhood, after which it undergoes slow involution, and, in adults, the
               organ  is  filled  with  adipose  tissue.  The  thymus  gland  is  surrounded  by  a

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