Page 497 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 497

Keratinocytes are the predominant cell type in the epidermis

                   Less  numerous  epidermal  cells  are  the  melanocytes,  Langerhans  cells,  and
                   Merkel cells


                   Protection through the keratinized epidermis from abrasion and the entrance
                   of pathogens
                   Impermeable to water, owing to lipid layer in the epidermis

                   Body temperature regulation as a result of sweating and changes in vessel
                   Sensory  perception  of  touch,  pain,  pressure,  and  temperature  changes
                   because of nerve endings

                   Excretions through sweat of water, sodium salts, urea, and nitrogenous waste
                   Formation of vitamin D from precursor molecules produced in the epidermis
                   when exposed to the sun

               SKIN DERIVATIVES


                   Develop from the surface epithelium of the epidermis and reside deep in the
                   Are hard cylindrical structures that arise from hair follicles
                   Surrounded by external and internal root sheaths

                   Grow from the expanded hair bulb of the hair follicle
                   Hair  bulb  indented  by  connective  tissue  (dermal)  papilla  that  is  highly

                   Hair matrix situated above the papilla contains mitotic cells and melanocytes

               Sebaceous Glands

                   Numerous sebaceous glands associated with each hair follicle

                   Cells in sebaceous glands grow, accumulate secretions, die, and become oily
                   secretion sebum

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