Page 70 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 70

Careful examination of this figure shows how individual tubular structures can

               change  shape  and  appearance,  depending  on  the  plane  of  section  through  the
               tubules. Similar structural alteration is possible in solid structures, such as the
               muscle fibers, connective tissue fibers, or nerve fibers.

               FIGURE 1.11 ■ Planes of section through a hollow object, a tube.

               FIGURE  1.12  |  Hollow  Tubules  of  the  Testis  in

               Different Planes of Section

               Organs  such  as  the  testes  and  kidneys  consist  primarily  of  highly  twisted  or

               convoluted tubules. When flat sections of such organs are seen on a histology
               slide, the cut tubules exhibit a variety of shapes because of the plane of section.
               To show how twisted tubules appear in a histologic slide, a portion of a testis
               was prepared for examination. Each testis consists of numerous, highly twisted

               seminiferous  tubules  that  are  lined  by  multilayered  or  stratified  germinal

                   A  longitudinal  plane  (1)  through  a  seminiferous  tubule  produces  an
               elongated tubule with a long lumen. A transverse plane (2)  through  a  single
               seminiferous  tubule  produces  a  round  tubule.  Similarly,  a  transverse  plane

               through a curve (3, 5) of a seminiferous tubule produces two oval structures
               that are connected by solid layers of cells. An oblique plane (4) through a tubule
               produces an oval structure with an oval lumen in the center and multiple cell

               layers at the periphery. A tangential plane (6) of a seminiferous tubule passes
               through its periphery. As a result, this plane produces a solid, multicellular, oval

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