Page 76 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 76

FIGURE 2.2 ■ Composition of cell membrane.


               CELL MEMBRANE

               The lipid bilayer of the cell membrane has a fluid consistency, and as a result,
               the  compositional  structure  of  the  cell  membrane  is  characterized  as  a  fluid
               mosaic model. The phospholipid molecules of the cell membrane are distributed

               as  two  layers.  Their  polar  heads  are  arranged  on  both  the  inner  and  outer
               surfaces of the cell membrane. The nonpolar tails of the lipid layers face each
               other in the center of the membrane. Images of cell membrane viewed with the
               transmission  electron  microscope,  however,  appear  as  three  distinct  layers,

               consisting of outer and inner electron-dense layers and a less dense or lighter
               middle layer. This discrepancy is due to the osmic acid (osmium tetroxide) that
               is used to fix and stain tissues for electron microscopy. Osmic acid binds to the

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