Page 78 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 78



               Each  cell  cytoplasm  contains  numerous  organelles,  each  of  which  performs  a

               specialized  metabolic  function  that  is  essential  for  maintaining  cellular
               homeostasis and cell life. A membrane similar to the cell membrane surrounds
               such  cytoplasmic  organelles  as  nucleus,  mitochondria,  endoplasmic  reticulum,
               Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. Organelles that

               are not surrounded by membranes include ribosomes, basal bodies, centrioles,
               and centrosomes.


               Mitochondria  are  round,  oval,  or  elongated  structures  whose  variability  and
               number depend on cell function. Each mitochondrion (singular) consists of an
               outer and inner membrane. The inner membrane exhibits numerous folds called

               cristae,  which  contain  respiratory  chain  enzymes  that  produce  the  energy
               molecule  adenosine  triphosphate  (ATP).  In  protein-secreting  cells,  these
               cristae  project  into  the  interior  of  the  mitochondria  as  shelves.  In  steroid-
               secreting cells, such as the adrenal cortex or interstitial cells in the testes, the
               mitochondria  cristae  are  tubular  and  contain  enzymes  for  steroidogenesis

               (production of steroid hormones).

                  FUNCTIONAL                      CORRELATIONS                       2.1            ■


                 Mitochondria  produce  most  of  the  high-energy  molecule  adenosine

                 triphosphate (ATP) in cells and are, therefore, considered the powerhouses
                 of the cells. The cristae in the mitochondria increase the surface area of the
                 inner membrane. The cristae contain most of the respiratory chain enzymes
                 as  well  as  ATP  synthetase,  which  is  responsible  for  cell  respiration
                 (oxidative phosphorylation) and production of cell ATP. ATP is the chemical

                 energy responsible for various metabolic cell activities.

                     The  number  of  mitochondria  in  a  given  cell  is  directly  related  to  the
                 cell’s energy needs. Thus, cardiac or skeletal muscle cells with continuous

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