Page 34 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2024_WEB
P. 34


        Seaberry Farm

              ichard Uva, originally from    maritima), a species of plum native   company, flavored a whiskey cocktail
              Massachusetts, and his         to the East Coast. A member of the    product with last year’s crop.
        Rwife, Wenfei, who is from           rose family, beach plum is drought    Peach trees were also planted, but
        Taipei, Taiwan, met as students at   tolerant, salt spray tolerant and will   are now used more for branches
        Cornell. Both earned their doctorates   grow in degraded soils. Rick had   than fruit. The trees now serve more
        there before moving in 2007 to       grown up with beach plums in New      as a windbreak. Still, the Maryland
        Federalsburg, Maryland, where they   England and researched them as        Food Bank picked 5,000 pounds of
        established Seaberry Farm, which     part of his doctoral work. He had also   peaches this year.
        grows specialty horticultural products   worked with several farms in New
        for wholesale and special events.    Jersey and Massachusetts to develop   A third fruit crop was pawpaws, a

        The couple had visited the area for a   a production system for them. The   native fruit with a tropical taste like
                                                                                   banana and the texture of custard.
        wedding and decided the Delmarva     flavorful fruit can be consumed fresh   The trees were grown from seed
        Peninsula would be a good place to   but is commonly used for the making   obtained from Deep Run Pawpaw
        have the farm that Rick and Wenfei   of jam and jelly, even wine. The beach   Orchard in Westminster, Maryland.
        wanted.                              plum has showy white flowers in
                                             spring, so the branches can be sold   The unique fruit is difficult to find in
        The 36-acre farm they found is close   for ornamental use.                 a grocery store because if picked
        to markets in major cities and had                                         before the fruits start to soften,
        good soil and water where they could   Recently, Rick welcomed to Seaberry   they never ripen. Once they have
        grow woody cut stems. There was      Farm the Maryland State Horticultural   softened, pawpaws bruise easily,
        also a good agricultural focus in the   Society Summer Tour, led by Chuck   discoloring the fruits, so that makes
        area, and the land was affordable.   Schuster, University of Maryland      transportation a challenge. And their
                                             Extension senior agent emeritus. Rick
        They planted shrubs for their woody                                        shelf life is limited. Once fully ripened,
                                             demonstrated how he uses a device
        branches, such as those used                                               they last only two to three days, or
                                             to shake the beach plum trees so the
        by florists that have decorative                                           five to seven days if refrigerated.
                                             plums fall to ground when ready for
        characteristics including branching,                                       Pawpaws are harvested in September
        flowers, leaves or berries such as curly                                   and are sold at farm stands in the
        willow, forsythia and holly. They also   “We had a poor fruit set this year   Washington, D.C. area. Rick said they
        planted a fruit orchard, then added   because we didn’t get to prune the   blow up like a balloon when ripe, and
        herbaceous flowers on the open       trees,” he said. The plums ripen in   the roughness of the skin goes away.
        land to sell at farmers markets. They   August.                            Rick said they harvest branches of
        reasoned flowers would bring in cash   Eventually, their emphasis switched   cherry, peach, plum and beach plum
        while waiting for the other plants to   from edible fruit to flowering     in February and March to force for
        mature.                              branches, but the Uvas still sell beach   sale in grocery stores.

        One of the fruits Rick wanted to     plum jelly, made in small batches.                       (continued on next page)
        grow was beach plums, (Prunus        Dogfish Head, a Delaware distilling

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