Page 44 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2024_WEB
P. 44
I wrote about this for the Winter 2013 issue of FreeState news. The research I did for that article at that time did
not show a glowing review for the efficacy of mycorrhizal products then available. I repeatedly wrote to one
major manufacturer requesting university research on their product – no response.
Things may have changed since then as there are several major companies now claiming viable products
To satisfy my curiosity as to if we could colonize mycorrhizae into our growing system, we conducted an
experiment in May, 2022.
hese specialized fungi colonize plant roots and • Potentially higher transplanting success and faster
extend far into the soil. Mycorrhizal fungal filaments establishment.
Tin the soil are truly extensions of root systems and • Value added: Marketing landscape plants with greater
are more effective in nutrient and water absorption than stress tolerance.
the roots themselves. More than 90 percent of plant Facts: (2)
species in natural areas form a symbiotic relationship with • Not all plants are mycorrhizal; lists are available on the
the beneficial mycorrhizal fungi. internet.
Potential Benefits of Mycorrhiza: (1) • Most plants will grow and survive without mycorrhizae.
• Enhanced plant efficiency in absorbing water and • If one inoculates plants with mycorrhizae, don’t assume
nutrients from the soil. benefit; several other soil conditions may result in robust
• Reducing fertility and irrigation requirements. growth conditions.
• Increased drought resistance.
• Increased pathogen resistance/ protection.
• Enhancing plant health and vigor and minimizing stress.
• Enhanced seedling growth.
• Enhanced rooting of cuttings.
• Enhanced plant transplant establishment.
• Improved phytoremediation of petroleum and heavy
metal contaminated sites.
Potential Advantages of Using Mycorrhiza in the
Nursery: (1)
• Produce more stress resistant plants during production
and for landscape.
• Potentially less pesticide usage.
• Plants are more drought and nutrient tolerant in the
Mycorrhizal filaments attached to a root system
44 SUMMER 2024 • Free State News