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Social Media and Media Relations
Workshop at Ladew Gardens Recap
n Tuesday, June 4th, the MNLGA hosted its first After lunch, Sara and Nicole presented on Media
Social Media and Media Relations Workshop Relations. They communicated with the participants
Oat Ladew Topiary Gardens. Our wonderful how to share a press release and contact the media to
presenters from Sara Warfield Communications and do outreach on a topic or product, how to make those
Polished Nichols Public Relations & Marketing were joined connections, and, once connections are made, how to
by 51 participants who came excited to learn and grow in prepare for an interview. One key takeaway was to make
their knowledge. sure the representative is ready for what they are to be
asked. They also shared terrific resources to use when
The day was filled with interactive sessions, starting
creating a press release.
with Natalie Van Buskirk and Nicole Halsey of Polished
Nichols sharing invaluable tips, tricks, and crucial ways to The Workshop ended with a tour of Ladew Topiary
use Social Media to grow and promote a business. The Gardens by the horticulture staff. Industry professionals
participants, from all levels of social media knowledge, asked questions about how the grounds were maintained
actively participated in discussions about the importance and learned about the estate and gardens.
of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and a few other A huge thank you goes out to Ladew Topiary Gardens
platforms. The ladies shared the importance of knowing for hosting this event and to Sara Warfield, Natalie Van
your audience and making sure you are targeting your Buskirk, and Nicole Halsey for sharing their knowledge
posts to that audience. They shared ways to plan and of Social Media and Media Relations. Thank you to our
organize posts and insight on the timing of posting. Annual Wye Oak and Black-Eyed Susan Sponsors. A
48 SUMMER 2024 • Free State News