Page 6 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2024_WEB
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Last month I had the fortune to represent the MNLGA and Maryland’s ag
industry at the annual International Leadership Alumni Conference (ILAC). ILAC
is an organization comprised of alumni of state, provincial, and additional
international ag leadership fellowship programs. (Maryland’s ag leadership
program is known as LEAD Maryland). In addition to the U.S., Canada,
Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand participate in ILAC. The purpose of
ILAC is to be an extension of one’s statewide learning and experience and
most importantly, an opportunity to continue one’s understanding of issues
impacting agriculture beyond one’s local borders, as well as to provide a
network of ag leaders internationally.
This year’s ILAC was held in Monterey, California. While it was hazy, hot, and
humid here in Maryland, Monterey temperatures stayed between 52 and
64 degrees for the duration of the trip. This made for some wonderful, and
Executive Director comfortable, touring.
The first day of the program was a full 12-hour day of tours through the Salinas
Valley. This area of California is known as the “salad bowl of the world,” as
nearly 70% of the country’s lettuce is grown and distributed from this area. The
largest cash crop is strawberries, followed by all sorts of lettuces, celery, Brussels
sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, etc. We visited farms that produced various fruits
and vegetables, wine grapes, and cannabis. The cannabis grower really struck
me as interesting as the plants are not grown in as pristine and secure facilities
as I’ve seen in Maryland plants that I’ve toured. We also toured a farm that is
working on developing drone technology to spray fertilizer and pesticides. Here
I was surprised to learn that it is normal for two years to elapse for a farmer to
receive permission and certification to use a drone.
(continued on page 15)
A beautiful day in Monterey Harbor
6 SUMMER 2024 • Free State News