Page 71 - Free State Spring 2022 - June FINAL
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Why Advertise in the

            MNLGA’s Free State News                                                    MARYLAND

                                                                                       NURSERY, LANDSCAPE
                                                                                       AND G REENHOUSE
                                                                                       A SSOCIATION, I NC.
              Here’s 6 good reasons

                                                                               MISSION STATEMENT
             1    Free State News is seen by members                The purpose of the Maryland Nursery,
                  of Maryland’s Nursery, Landscaping,
                  Greenhouse, Garden Center and Allied
                                                                    to promote the use of ornamental plants,
                  Industries and is the leading publication for     Landscape and Greenhouse Association is
                  members of the MNLGA                              products, and services. The association
                                                                    supports all constituent groups of the
            2     Free State News enhances your ad with             garden centers, interiorscape, grounds
                                                                    horticulture industry including landscape,
                  important industry specific content that
                                                                    maintenance, nursery, greenhouse, and
                  is educational and informative. And, the
                  digital version gives readers direct access to    arboriculture. The association communicates
                                                                    the role of the horticulture industry in
                  your website                                      improving people’s quality of life.
            3     Free State News helps promote your                              SPECIFIC GOALS

                  company and product while providing
                  direct access to readers in Maryland’s Green
                  Industries                                        Promote professionalism through education
                                                                    programs for members and the public and by
                                                                    encouraging enrollment in educational
           4      Articles are contributed by highly regarded       institutions.

                  members of the industry, many of whom
                                                                    Monitor state and local laws relating to
                  have a lifetime of knowledge and are
                  frequently published                              horticulture industry.
                                                                    Participate actively in legislative and
                                                                    regulatory processes.
            5     Free State News is a cost-effective way to        Promote the use of environmentally sound

                  help keep your name out in front of the
                                                                    practices in the horticulture industry.
                  membership and your potential customers
                                                                    Monitor and communicate to members
            6     Free State News helps support the                 developments in allied industries including
                  association in its endeavors on behalf of the
                                                                    Support donations of plant products and
                  green industry in the state of Maryland
                                                                    services to state and community programs.
                                                                    Support research relevant to the horticulture
              For more information on advertising                   Participate in Maryland agricultural
                 in the Free State News contact                     organizations.
                      Kelly at 410-823-8684
                    or e-mail

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