Page 73 - Free State Spring 2022 - June FINAL
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        Education                   Legislative/MaGIC          ADVISORS TO OTHERS
        Ronda Roemmelt – Chair      James R. McWilliams–       Invasive Plant Advisory               MARYLAND
                                                                                                     NURSERY, LANDSCAPE
        Angela Burke                Chair                      Committee                             AND G REENHOUSE
                                                                                                     A SSOCIATION, I NC.
        Dave Clement                Mark Schlossberg           Brent Cassell
        Steve Dubik                 All Officers and Directors  Larry Hemming                      Maryland Nursery,
        Hank Doong                  Alan Jones                 Leslie Hunter Cario                   Landscape and
        Stanton Gill                Bernie Kohl                                                  Greenhouse Association
        Brett Karp                                             LEAD Maryland
        Brian Mitchell              CPH                        Vanessa Finney                      Board of Directors
        John Murphy                 George Mayo - Chair        Maryland Agriculture             Terms Expiring January 2023
        Karen Rane                  Steve Bell                 Commission                            Kathleen Watson
        Andrew Ristvey              Steve Black                Ray Greenstreet                       The Perennial Farm
        Ginny Rosenkranz            Steve Dubik                John Murphy                             410-592-6106
        Chuck Schuster              Cindy King                                                         John Hyman
        Heather Zindash             Betty Marose               Maryland Agriculture              Rolling Acres Landscape Co.
                                    Andrew Ristvey             Council                                 301-421-9600
        Nominating                  Ginny Rosenkranz           Vanessa Finney
                                                                                                        Alex Betz
        Mark Dougherty – Chair      Martha Simon-Pindale                                             Kurt Bluemel, Inc.
        Richard J. Watson           Bob Trumbule               Maryland Farm Bureau                    410-557-7229
                                    Jaime Tsambikos            Larry Hemming
        Finance and Planning        Jon Vander Vleit           Kevin Clark                             Brian Mitchell
        Carrie Engel – Chair        Gaye Williams              Vanessa Finney                        Manor View Farm
        Cindy King                                                                                     410-771-4700
        John Murphy                 Scholarship                MAEF
        Leslie Hunter Cario         Bernie Kohl, Jr. – Chair   George Mayo                      Terms Expiring January 2024
                                    Hank Doong
        Link/Shanks Scholarship     Jessica Todd               Maryland Invasive                       Renee Quillin
        Mark Dougherty – Chair                                 Species Council (MISC)             Planted Earth Landscaping
                                    George Mayo                                                        410-857-4744
        MANTS                       Leslie Hunter Cario        Alex Betz
                                                                                                      Martha Pindale
        Jan S. Carter               Mary Claire Walker         Brian Mitchell                    American Landscape Institute
        Bernard E Kohl, Jr.                                    University of Maryland                  410-688-5115
        Jessica Todd                Historian                  – Dean’s Global
                                    George Mayo – Chair                                               Bryan Schlosser
        Membership Committee                                   Leadership Council                    Roseland Nurseries
        Rich Poulin                 ADVISORS TO THE BOARD      Vanessa Finney                          410-755-6500
        Martha Pindale              Dr. John Lea-Cox           Young Farmers                          Jon Van der Vliet
                                    University of Maryland                                            Lawn Wrangler
        Awards - Professional                                  Advisory Council                        410-975-5125
        Achievement,                Kimberly Rice              Colin Jones
        Carville M. Akehurst        MD Department of
        Michael Marshall–           Agriculture                                                     MNLGA Contact Info:
        Co-Chair                                                                                       P.O. Box 726
        Kevin Clark - Co-Chair                                                                  Brooklandville, Maryland 21022
                                                                                                    Phone: 410-823-8684
                                                                                                     Fax: 410-296-8288
          Every member of every committee listed above is an individual who volunteers their time in
          support for the MNLGA and it is with the utmost gratitude and appreciation that we thank you for   Free State E-mail:
          your selfless endeavors.                                                        
          If your name is not listed above, please consider following the example of those who are. Contact
          Vanessa at 410-823-8684 with your interest.

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