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72                                                                 Chapter 2

        (check (2.68) – (2.69)) that the displacement current    =   ()(, ) much exceeds
        the sum of conduction current    = (, ) and the current induced by the polarization
        effect    =   ′′  ()(, ). In good conductors  tan  =  ≫ 1  meaning that  the
                                                               ′  ()
        conductivity current much exceeds all other currents such as displacement and polarization.
        Everything between can be treated as semiconductor.  Typically,   (ω) > 10 S/m for the
                    4                   −6                                (ω) < 10
        conductors,  10  S/m >   (ω) > 10  S/m for the semiconductors, and   
        S/m for the  insulators. This classification combines in  Table 2.3. Evidently, similar
        classification can be provided for magnetic materials.
        2.4.3   Linearity and Nonlinearity
        Our next topic is the nonlinearity that we will define as any violation of the linearity principle.
        It is worth to mention that all known natural and human-made material including ferro-materials
        are more or less nonlinear, generally less. As such, we need to describe first a linear material.
        The definition is quite straightforward

                                     = (1 +  )()
                                    0          �                              (2.75)
                                     = (1 +  )()
        It means that the displacement and inductance field vectors in  linear materials  are always
        strictly proportional to the electric and magnetic vector at any moment of time. What about
        linearity in  frequency domain? Following to [20],  we need to assume additionally that the
        relation (2.75) is held not only at each moment of time but each frequency. For example, the
        displacement field is  strictly  proportional to the applied electric field or  (, ) =
          ()(, ) at all frequencies. In other words, the frequency spectrum of vector-signals
        of (, )  and  (, )  always contains the  same set of  frequencies. The violation of this
        condition leads to generation of  multiple harmonics and beat frequencies distorting the
        propagating through media signals. It turns out that the vast majority of natural and artificial
        dielectric materials used in engineering practice is linear to a high degree of accuracy at all field
        strengths commonly attained. Explicitly,  we can define in similar  manner the linearity of
        magnetic  material through the constitute relation between vectors  B  and  H  as (, ) =
          ()(, ).


        2.5.1   Introduction
        Now, we are going to attend more interesting and common phenomena, namely, the physics of
        material parameter deviations in the frequency domain. Let us start from the single practical
        result. The copper, which we know as excellent conductor, has dielectric constant  = -16.7 -
        j1.74 at frequency of 430 THz (wavelength 700 nm). Everything here is against our common
        sense. First, the real part is negative. The second that tan  =  ⁄  = 0.1 only. The copper
        (see Table 2.3) comes to be some sort of semiconductor but certainly not a good conductor.
        Furthermore, at such frequencies the thin copper layers become optically transparent. It means
        that  we definitely  missed something in our understanding and description of  materials
        properties. The following analysis demonstrates the remarkable possibility to get quite accurate
        prediction of conductivity effect in wide variety of materials, metals and dielectrics. Our task
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