Page 3 - PSUC 2018 Brochure v8b
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Great Communities are Built on Reliable Utilities

 Your community deserves the best — Pacific States has you covered!  Nobody understands your community like Pacific States.

 At Pacific States, our singular focus is providing full service utility   Since 1970, our world has revolved around the manufactured housing
 repairs, maintenance and installation for manufactured housing com-  community.  It's all we do.  From our decades of experience, we have a
 munities.  We provide innovative solutions, quality workmanship, quick   clear understanding of the codes, regulations and agencies required
 response times and competitive pricing.  Nothing beats reliable, well   for any project.  We understand working with managers and residents.
 maintained utilities and nobody beats the Pacific States solution!  Let's partner to keep your community running smoothly.

 Electricity  Gas          Water                                                      Service

 Pacific States is qualified to   From gas leak surveys to new   From water leak repairs to new   Pacific States has the largest
 handle any high, medium or low   installations, Pacific States   installations, Pacific States   fleet of vehicles serving the
 voltage electrical service need.    provides compete gas utility   provides complete water utility   manufactured housing industry
 We provide complete installation,   services. We wrote the book on   services. We provide complete   and is able to handle any repair
 maintenance and repair of street   CPUC Compliance. Our installa-  installation, maintenance and   24 hours a day. We only service
 lights, pedestals, switchgear,   tion and service coupled with   repair of meters, valves, main-  manufactured housing commu-
 transformers and cable. All of our   Annual Compliance inspections   lines, service lines, backflow   nities and truly understand the
 electrical equipment installations   will keep your community safe   devices and fire hydrants.  neighborhood and the people
 meet the highest standard of code   and reliable.                      that live and work there.

                                   One Call Does It All
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