Page 4 - PSUC 2018 Brochure v8b
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                                            Guaranteed Workmanship


                                                  Service since 1970


                                        Over 2,000 Communities Served


                                           24-Hour Emergency Repairs

         Pacific States, the industry leader
         Assisting manufactured housing communities            Pacific States specializes in manufactured
         establish utility sub-metering systems was a          housing communities.  Excellence in mainte-
         novel idea back in 1970, but soon it changed          nance, repair and installation to keep your
         the way manufactured communities did busi-            community's utilities up and running smoothly
         ness.  As the first company to offer these              has made Pacific States the industry leader.
         services, Pacific States continues to set the
         standard.                                             Pacific States is fully licensed and insured and
                                                               provides a full-time staff of experienced
         Over the decades, Pacific States has                   professionals, including 24 hour, 7 day
         expanded to include all products and services         emergency services.
         for these communities' electric, gas and water
         utility service needs.

         Orange    •    Riverside    •    San Bernardino    •    Los Angeles    •    San Diego


         24-Hour Emergency             800-724-5757               3880 E. Eagle Drive
         714-630-3377                  714-630-3374               Anaheim, CA  92807
                                       714-630-9420 (fax)         Contractors License 316550
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