Page 22 - NOV2021 Digial Issue
P. 22

 Smokin’ Times
Official newsletter of the
The mission of the California Barbecue Association is to teach, enjoy, preserve, and promote barbeque as a true American food. To help various children’s charities in California by conducting barbecue events throughout the state of California.
  Team of the Year ToY
TOP 10 as of 6/5/2021 1) Big Poppa Smokers 2) B’Mackin
3) Meat Candy Q
4) Mudville BBQ
5) Burnin And Lootin
6) Simply Marvelous BBQ 7) Bull Market BBQ
8) Old Town Franklin BBQ 9) Lady of Q
10) Hickory and Spice BBQ
Board of Directors
Craig Yeszin, Tom Gearhart, Kyle Casazza, Rick Mysse, Stephen Biggs, Dennis Daniel, Melanie Price, Matt Bergen
Craig Yeszin,, VICE PRESIDENT Thomas Gearhart, Treasurer
Jim Kirchner, SECRETARY
Melanie Price,
Non-BoD Appointees
Eric Gorham, MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Marcia Montgomery, Business Membership
Tracy Allen, SMOKIN’ TIMES EDITOR Kathleen McIntosh,
         CBBQA Yearly Membership
Regular Membership..................$36.00 Business Membership..$75.00
California’s Longest Running Contest
The weekend of October 8, 2021, nine- teen teams gathered for the 17th annual Burnt Offerings KCBS BBQ Contest hosted by the Magnolia Church in River- side, California. Organizer Jim Palmer and his crew of well-trained and dedi- cated volunteers enthusiastically greeted teams and judges to this milestone event.
Burnt Offerings was originally started as a way to reach out to the men of the com- munity and church by offering friendship and support around a friendly BBQ cook- off environment. Men were invited to come with their smokers, grills, or what- ever they had and spend the day cooking up meat and enjoying each other’s com- pany. That event eventually turned into a church-wide gathering featuring a BBQ dinner for the entire fellowship.
This year’s Burnt Offerings was a KCBS competitive series contest. Two whole chickens, 2 racks of pork ribs, one pork shoulder, and one tri-tip were supplied to the teams. Gas grills were allowed. Turn in’s started at 10 a.m. The goal of reach- ing out to the community remains the same and offers many new teams a chance to hone their skills and meet competitive BBQ cooks. Post competi- tion and the awards ceremony has been turned into a family and community gathering with many BBQ selections along with side dishes available for tast- ing and purchase.
Several years ago, the competition added a special entry that teams could partici- pate in but were not required to enter call Showcase. Showcase is an entry that al- lows 3 of 6 judges to interact with the team at the team’s cooking space. The
By: Jim Palmer
entry consists of a protein that is usually not used in the regular competition and can be presented alone or as a full meal with sides, a drink, and a dessert. Judges can ask questions of the cooks about the meal before making their final scoring. As this has always been a meat contest, par- ticipates must also turn in a plain white box with the protein only with appropri- ate garnish for judging by three blind judges. The blind judge's scores are only used in breaking ties from the scoring from the judges that were presented the protein at the cook’s space. Showcase is a way teams can freshly express their skills from the standard competition.
Magnolia Church in Riverside has been reaching out to the community since 1955. It strives to be a place in the com- munity that people can fellowship, can get instruction on how to deal with life’s issues as well as participate in building God’s Kingdom on earth. Burnt Offerings is the longest continuous BBQ Contest in the state of California with only COVID 19 delaying the 2020 contest. Several teams, families, and neighbors mark their calendars each year in anticipation of a fun, family event.
Seventeen years and still going strong! Jim Palmer and his crew have become ac- tive volunteers in the California BBQ As- sociation. Most recently having organized the Golden State Battle. Palmer also offers assistance to new or- ganizers by helping to train them and support their contests. “BBQ brings peo- ple from all walks of life together and helps us to find common ground on which to build friendships, trust, and community,” said Palmer. “I will con- tinue to help in every way that I can.” - 22

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